Category Archives: Social Issues

The Problem With the Young

We’ve been having a long, long discussion in a thread titled “Does today’s generation “see/understand” TV and movies differently?” and it’s not going well for the young. It started off simply enough, as I’ll explain below the fold and then it devolved into dumb kids without the basic understanding of reality that anyone pretending to be an adult ought to have.

Why am I not surprised? Continue reading The Problem With the Young

I Don’t Care if You’re Atypical!

I just got finished having a discussion from someone who, in their own words, is “neuro-atypical”. He was complaining that it’s really hard to live in a world where he can’t do what he wants to do because he’s incapable.

I certainly can sympathize with that, there are plenty of things that I’d love to do that I can’t. Unfortunately, sometimes that’s life and you need to have realistic expectations and, sadly, this  guy simply didn’t. Continue reading I Don’t Care if You’re Atypical!

What the Hell Happened to Perspective?

I watched a couple of videos lately on old TV shows and cartoons from the 30s and 40s mostly, and how some episodes are not readily available today because they offend people’s fee-fees. I find that absurd and pathetic, but I find most people these days, especially  young people, to be absurd and pathetic.

Whatever happened to perspective? Whatever happened to not wearing your feelings on your sleeves and just accepting things as they are? Continue reading What the Hell Happened to Perspective?

Life Isn’t Like Video Games

I saw a video recently on Cities: Skylines and yes, I do play that game from time to time. It’s a city simulator, like Sim City, only better IMO, but I see a ton of players who desperately want it to be different. They don’t want it to simulate reality, they want it to simulate the liberal wonderland in their heads.

But it doesn’t actually work that way. So let’s talk about it. Continue reading Life Isn’t Like Video Games

Culture and Morals Aren’t Forever

Let’s piss some more people off. That tends to happen a lot whenever I open my mouth on certain subjects so let’s do some more of that.

This is a multi-faceted post that’s going to wander and it comes from a number of different sources, mostly YouTube videos that I’ve seen in recent days. I’ll link to all of those below so you can go and see what I’m talking about.

But culture. What is it and why do people like Jordan Peterson get it so wrong? Other than the fact  that he’s an idiot? Let’s explore the idea. Continue reading Culture and Morals Aren’t Forever