Dog-piling on Richard Dawkins

Not long ago, Richard Dawkins posted the above tweet and the leftist world shit it’s collective pants. What the hell else is new? Yet this time, I think people are starting to recognize the standard progressive dog whistle isn’t actually working. Lots of very influential people on the atheist and skeptical side are starting to ask questions and recognizing that this isn’t actually making any sense. So here’s my take on it and why none of this is actually a surprise.

Hope you enjoy.

Continue reading Dog-piling on Richard Dawkins

What’s Stopping the World From Getting Better?

This came up in an atheist subreddit recently, where people were asking what’s stopping the world in general and humanity in particular from improving and my answer, as should be no surprise, is “stupid people”. It’s certainly more nuanced than that short answer, but I noticed that it was a pretty common answer to the thread.

Except a lot of those responding seem to be missing a very obvious problem: that it’s more than just the religious who suffer from this particular affliction. So let’s  look at it. Continue reading What’s Stopping the World From Getting Better?