If You Only React, Not Think, You’re in a Cult

This is one of those areas where I wish I could  say “I told you so” but there’s nobody to really say it to. Recently, I put up a video on the channel that I knew would be unpopular with certain segments of the atheist community. I knew that at least some people would just freak out and, sadly, I wasn’t remotely mistaken.

Sorry, if you can’t think about things and just have to react, then you are exercising cult-like thinking. That is not something that you should be proud of.

I really wish I could have posted before the video went live what would happen because I knew that it would. It always does. If nothing else, this was good for getting rid of some of the dead wood that’s been hanging around. I make videos for smart people. That’s why my channel tagline is “exposing stupidity wherever it hides” and that goes for political stupidity as well as religious. There are no double standards as I continue to say. Think rationally or go the hell away.

What caused it was when I went vaguely political, which was actually part of the article that I was responding to. They went full Trump Derangement Syndrome and I commented on it. I’d said that I’d voted for Trump twice, actually voting against the idiot Democrat on the  ticket, but I wasn’t going to vote for him again because I was sick of voting for the lesser of the two evils. Of course, that made people freak out.

“I am disappointed by  your political position so I’m going to downvote you!” That’s not a direct quote but you can find it of  you go and look at the video comments. Big deal. Take your virtue signaling and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Granted, I didn’t say that. I said something like “whatever” and I figure he just unsubscribed. A couple of people have. I knew they would. This is just childish and the children can go home where they belong. As I said at the very top, if you can only react emotionally, then you’re in a cult. Go somewhere else that your cult-like feelings are pandered to. You won’t find it here.

The only rational way to handle disagreement is through intelligent conversation. I was perfectly willing to have it in the comments if anyone had bothered. Surprisingly, even though people said they were going to downvote me, no one has, at least so far, even the guy who said he would. My votes are all positive. That’s not something that I would have predicted.

So far though, the people who have been negative about my voting record haven’t wanted to engage in any discussion. Most people on the far left don’t and I have no idea what any of their political positions actually are. I could defend myself, but I don’t see any takers, which is also a little surprising, but my channel isn’t about politics anyhow so it’s probably best that I don’t have to. Anyone who is unhappy over an off-handed comment? Find another channel to watch. Go right ahead. It doesn’t bother me at all.

I think that fact is probably what’s going to burn the backsides of a lot of people. The fact that I don’t care. A lot of people expect that the second anyone complains, they’re going to beg for forgiveness. Nope, I won’t do that. You can’t cancel me. I just don’t care. I’m going to say what I’m going to say, watch it or not. It’s why I’ve never cared about what happens on social media. It’s a waste of time. I’m not there trying to make a buck. Watch or don’t. Support me or don’t. I just don’t care.

The thing that these people hate the most is not being taken seriously. I bet there are a couple of people fuming right now. Everyone else seems to be taking it in the spirit it was intended. Good thing I have a generally intelligent, rational audience.

6 thoughts on “If You Only React, Not Think, You’re in a Cult”

  1. re: A lot of people expect that the second anyone complains, they’re going to beg for forgiveness.❌🚫 Yeah, doing that would not be good. People are using those emotional reactions to try to control others. All the emotional appeals used in manipulation and undue influence: evoking guilt, fear-based emotional reactions, threats, intimidation, creating a sense of danger, appealing to empathy just anything to manipulate people into compliance. All of it: emotional blackmail/ gaslighting.

    Over on YouTube, I couldn’t get this to post no matter what:
    You said re: “It’s what he relies on. His interpretation of everything is just special pleading for his imaginary friend because he makes money that way.”

    Yes, exactly so for a so called “quest for the truth/the facts,” they do everything someone who doesn’t want to find the truth/the facts does (special pleading, being willfully blind, confirmation bias, you-name-it). I do realize many are trying to (at bottom) meet safety/ security needs and not truth needs. They buy WLC’s books to be reassured. Just like if you need “proof” for the intelligent design/ the existence of God you get Meyer’s books.

    re: Can This Man PROVE That God Exists? Piers Morgan vs Stephen Meyer

    1. I have no idea what’s up with YouTube sometimes. They block the strangest stuff, but I hear lots of complaints and there’s nothing I can do about it. For stuff that gets caught in my filters, I approve everything and I never see any of it again. I can’t go and respond to it.

      1. 🔘Yeah, it is truly crazy AND YouTube always displays comments or other content as if they were posted, just to make it all the more maddening. And I never receive a notification that my comment has been removed or that commenting is paused for my account. Stuff just randomly disappears. . . .Ha, ha, ha, ha. Crazy.

        And the biggest piece of worthless advice comes from YouTube: If you encounter issues with your comments not showing up, consider reviewing YouTube’s guidelines (never helps) and adjusting your commenting behavior accordingly. (never helps)

        1. I see stuff disappearing that isn’t remotely objectionable and stuff that goes through just fine that I have no clue how it clears the algorithm. I honestly don’t get it. Their system is just screwed up.

  2. —Exactly💯%✔ The YouTube algorithm is totally puzzling and its decision-making process isn’t at all transparent. So much so that I bet even YouTube may not fully understand many of the outcomes.

    1. I don’t think they care. So long as people keep uploading videos and they keep the complaints to a minimum and they keep their side of the political aisle happy, what difference does it make?

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