That’s Not How Free Speech Works

There’s a story going around out there, something about a school where one kid identified as non-binary and requested that everyone use “they/them” pronouns and when some kids refused to comply, people started talking about filing charges.

Yeah, fuck you. Let’s talk about it.

I could go find a link to the story but the story isn’t actually important. Paulogia did a video about it, with reference to Ken Ham, if you want to get the gist, but I already strongly disagree with Paulogia. If you want to see what he said, here’s the link.

See, here’s the thing. Anyone can “request” anything they want. People have a choice how they respond. If you want me to call you an attack helicopter, I am perfectly within my rights to say no. Whether any of these idiot snowflakes like it or not, free speech is in the Constitution, your feelings are not.

That’s not said to be cruel because I don’t care about cruelty. I care about freedom and rights. If you want to be referred to as “they/them”, that’s your right. You are free to ask. I am free to refuse to comply with your request.

This kind of thing would never pass Constitutional muster, not in a million years. In fact, the courts struck down a California law that made it illegal to misgender anyone in a medical setting. This is a free speech issue. Get over yourselves.

This reminds me of a lot of bullying rules that I’ve seen people demand. “But it makes me feel bad” isn’t sufficient reason to stop people from speaking freely. If they’re beating you, then yes, that’s already against the law. There’s no need to have another one for bullying. If they’re threatening you, then it’s already illegal, bullying legislation is meaningless. If they’re just making you unhappy though, get the hell over yourself. Grow the hell up. It’s not that hard!

Yes, I can already hear the pathetic snowflakes whining “but not everyone can handle it!” Too bad. That’s a parenting failure, not a matter for the law. If you want to blame someone for your weak-will and weak-character, maybe you need to go back to your parents and to the schools because that’s what they’re  teaching these days. That’s not a matter for the courts, it’s a matter for basic socialization.

“But people might commit suicide!” That’s another common claim. Okay, fine. Let them. It’s probably better if they didn’t pass those poor parenting skills on to the next generation anyhow. If you’re that weak, we’re probably better off without you. It’s one thing to be sensitive. It’s another to be completely spineless. Grow the hell up!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for anyone pushing others into self-harm. I’m saying that life’s tough and people need to have the strength of character to stand up against it. “But I’m not happy!” isn’t a reason to infringe on anyone else’s rights. You need to learn to cope. The world will never be a place for childish snowflakes who can’t handle the slings and arrows of existence. Grow up. You’re just embarrassing yourself.

Any time this comes up these days in a public place, it always ends up with attempts at censorship and hurt feelings. If it’s on a public forum, they’ll run to the moderators crying “he’s not making me happy! BAN HIM!” If not, they usually just run away,  throwing impotent, childish threats behind them. Keep in mind that these aren’t contentious discussions, they’re things that any adult ought to be able to handle but these just aren’t adults, are they?

Honestly, what the hell is wrong with the world today? I’d really like it if someone could explain.

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