Tag Archives: responsibility

It’s All About Responsibility

I’m writing this on Friday, right after Thanksgiving, as my brother-in-law and best friend, who came for dinner and stayed the night, have now returned home. After he got there, my friend called me to talk and let me know he made it home safely, as apparently, my brother-in-law, who drove up, drives like a maniac.

So it got around to talking about his money problems, especially the fact that, he’s blaming his bank for not taking the mortgage money on time, and by the time they do, he’s already spent it.

Yeah, that’s not a good way to live life. Continue reading It’s All About Responsibility

The Problem With the Young

We’ve been having a long, long discussion in a thread titled “Does today’s generation “see/understand” TV and movies differently?” and it’s not going well for the young. It started off simply enough, as I’ll explain below the fold and then it devolved into dumb kids without the basic understanding of reality that anyone pretending to be an adult ought to have.

Why am I not surprised? Continue reading The Problem With the Young

I Don’t Care if You’re Atypical!

I just got finished having a discussion from someone who, in their own words, is “neuro-atypical”. He was complaining that it’s really hard to live in a world where he can’t do what he wants to do because he’s incapable.

I certainly can sympathize with that, there are plenty of things that I’d love to do that I can’t. Unfortunately, sometimes that’s life and you need to have realistic expectations and, sadly, thisĀ  guy simply didn’t. Continue reading I Don’t Care if You’re Atypical!