Tag Archives: hate crimes

Maybe It’s Just Interpretation?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and frankly, I’m not at all convinced about some of the claims that we’re seeing. Recently, I heard that hate crimes were up year over year and they tried to blame Trump and the conservative right.

Yeah, maybe there’s another explanation that they don’t want to consider? Maybe, it’s all a load of complete bullshit. Continue reading Maybe It’s Just Interpretation?

Prove Your Case!

I was going to write a post on this anyhow, but it came up on a recent video in the comments and I wanted to explain my position in a way that’s really not amenable to YouTube commentary debates.

There was a recent news story that “hate crimes” are on the rise and, of course, the left-leaning media is blaming it all on Trump. What else is new?

The problem is, they can’t actually back that up in any real way. So let’s have a chat. Continue reading Prove Your Case!