Category Archives: Politics

You’re Not Fooling Anyone

So I play No Man’s Sky a lot. Great game with a really rough beginning and now, it’s one of the best open world sci-fi games around. They’ve been doing some expedition replays for the month of December and while finishing one up this morning, shit started to hit the fan because someone named one of the common rocks in the game “Trump/Carlson 2024”.

The people whining about it need to grow the hell up! Continue reading You’re Not Fooling Anyone

What a Waste!

We’ve got a basket. Into it  goes all of the non-critical mail that isn’t junk that gets thrown away, but not stuff that we have to deal with right away. Once it starts to get full, I will go through the basket and file away everything that needs to get saved and then we start over again.

I realized, in doing so over the past couple of days, that there’s a ton of waste in that basket. Continue reading What a Waste!

More Left-Wing Hypocrisy!

I actually watch this guy, but this time, he’s just proven that politics is as much of a mind killer as religion is. This is a video that just came out from the channel Bridge the Divide, which yes, is a pretty decent channel most of the time, when he sticks to religion, yet he goes entirely off the rails here and proves that he, like a lot of hard-left atheists, are just hypocrites.

So let’s look at it. Continue reading More Left-Wing Hypocrisy!

Why I Don’t Care About Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I wasn’t going to respond to this at all and I think that by the end of this, you’ll understand why. Recently, Ayaan Hirsi Ali came out and claimed that she was a Christian, not for any good reason, not that I think she believes any of it, but by playing the part, she thinks she can achieve some political goals.

That, my friends, is just idiotic. Continue reading Why I Don’t Care About Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Some People Shouldn’t Be In Charge

Just another quick one, as I ran across it, but there are some people, quite a few in my opinion, who just have no business being in charge of anything. Ever. This is especially true of online public forums. We’ll get into the details below the fold, but if you can’t keep your personal opinions out of your moderation, sod off. Continue reading Some People Shouldn’t Be In Charge

Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

I ran into a thread on Reddit today, where they were talking about atheists who are conservative, because they couldn’t imagine how anyone who was intelligent, educated and non-religious could identify that way.

Well, once upon a time, I identified that way, at least in a limited fashion, so I read through it and found that it was mostly people who were talking out of their own asses.

Somehow, that is not at all surprising. Continue reading Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

The Courts Can’t Be This Dumb!

I know they are, but how? I got called for jury duty. It’s not a big deal, they don’t want me anyhow, but I got called for next week and I’m going to be out of town.

Therefore, I jumped on the website to put it off and… well, you’ll have to see that for yourself. How can these people be so stupid? I sure don’t understand! Continue reading The Courts Can’t Be This Dumb!

Tired of Unjustified Bias

I’ve been doing a lot of re-evaluating lately, especially the social media that I consume. I’ve always recognized that there were problems with the YouTube channels that I watched and the social media platforms I perused because most of them are very openly biased. They have views that aren’t especially honest. They are based, in one way or another, on what they really want to be true.

I want to change it but I don’t know that I have a lot of options. Continue reading Tired of Unjustified Bias

Getting Rid of Religion Won’t Solve Problems

So there was a recent survey done by the Barna Group, a Christian research organization, which shows that Christianity is in dire straights indeed.

Mindshift did a pretty decent video on it, so I’ll link that below, and the suggestion that I’ve seen on the new research has been largely positive. That things will improve dramatically, as religion dies in the west.

I’m not so sure that’s true though. Here’s why. Continue reading Getting Rid of Religion Won’t Solve Problems

Stop Seeing Only What You Want to See!

I think this will be generally quick, but it illustrates exactly the point that I’ve made so many times before. There was a discussion, where someone wanted to know who has had direct, first-person experience with some of the far-left talking points in the real world. I figure the whole point was to show how it was all just hearsay and not experience, but it devolved very quickly, especially once I jumped in.

These people don’t know how to see what’s actually on the screen. They only see what they’ve been told is actually there! Continue reading Stop Seeing Only What You Want to See!