Tag Archives: irrationality

You Have to Start Somewhere

I’ve said for a long time that wanting everyone to be just like you are, that’s a recipe for disaster. It just starts echo chambers where no one can ever learn anything because everyone already believes the same thing.  I am not like that. I think it’s an unrealistic expectation, but recently, someone called me out on it and I wanted to respond.

So here we go. Continue reading You Have to Start Somewhere

Leftist Atheists Can’t Figure it Out

I keep running into this and I’ve been rolling my eyes so hard that I’m surprised they haven’t rolled right out of my head. I just keep seeing it in a lot of atheist videos I watch, where the atheist will criticize the religious for doing a thing, then turn right around and do that exact same thing with their own political beliefs.

It’s like they can’t look in the mirror, right? Continue reading Leftist Atheists Can’t Figure it Out