I Hate Progressives Part 9

Why is it that the left (and to be fair, the right) say one thing but really support something different? If they actually were honest, nobody in their right mind would ever vote for them, which we’re going to look at today.

So why do I hate progressives? One more reason lies below the line.

I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions.

Advancing humane, fair and just immigration laws.

That’s how they put it but that’s not what they want. Their stated goal is to open the borders to anyone and everyone who wants to flood across, no matter who they are and no matter what they do.

The hell with that.

The left is not a party of laws. They are a party of feelings. They don’t give a damn if their feelings are leading them down the primrose path to destruction. What they’re really trying to do is import more left-leaning voters. It’s why they keep trying to give illegal immigrants the vote. They benefit. No surprise there.

Unfortunately for them, actions have consequences. If we import more people, we have to find a way to pay for them. We have to generate more jobs. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 59.4% of illegal immigrants are on some kind of welfare. Now it is really difficult to get hard numbers, and trust me, I tried, separating out only illegal immigrants vs. legal residents  because nobody wants to provide those numbers. You will get things that say “all immigrants” which says nothing about their legal status, or “all native-born Americans” which says nothing about legal immigrants. They don’t want to tell you the actual figures. I wonder why?

I have no problem with legal immigration. It’s the illegal stuff that I don’t want to see. If you want to come here, follow the rules and come when you are legally permitted. Become an American citizen. Not a hyphenated-American-citizen, just an American. Leave your old allegiances behind. If you want to come here, learn the language and be a useful member of society, fantastic. Glad to have you. Otherwise, go the hell away.

I’m not trying to be heartless, but holy crap, we cannot financially support the planet. Again, this entire thing is just an attempt to buy votes and pander to the faithful. That should never be acceptable from either side, yet it’s standard operating procedure for both.

So no, wide open borders will never work. So long as that is part of the leftist playbook, consider me opposed. If you can’t think intelligently, if you can only feel your way through life, you are the one with the problem, not me. I’m really sick of this crap.

3 thoughts on “I Hate Progressives Part 9”

  1. America had an open immigration policy until the 1880s, but reinstating such a policy in the modern era, especially when the country is DeFacto bankrupt, -insane. Greenspan always said: “The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So, there is zero probability of default.” JUST GREAT, BUT, that is not the point, that move drives the value of the currency to what you see today. The distinction lies in whether the U.S. can pay its obligations without continued mass devaluation, not whether it will technically default. All these people know better but simply do not care.

    1. Of course not because they are buying votes and so long as people are stupid enough to keep them in office. they don’t have to care.

  2. re: Of course not because they are buying votes and so long as people are stupid enough to keep them in office, they don’t have to care.

    Absolutely and that is lapidary: As you know, this word specifically refers to something that is suitable for engraving in stone. That lapidary inscription should be actually carved in stone on the top of all government buildings as you walk in.

    I suspect it would not matter. People would still vote them in.

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