More Left-Wing Hypocrisy!

I actually watch this guy, but this time, he’s just proven that politics is as much of a mind killer as religion is. This is a video that just came out from the channel Bridge the Divide, which yes, is a pretty decent channel most of the time, when he sticks to religion, yet he goes entirely off the rails here and proves that he, like a lot of hard-left atheists, are just hypocrites.

So let’s look at it.

Here’s the video in question and I’m mostly going to respond to the first couple of minutes, so if you want to watch it, by all means feel free.

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I’m going to pull a couple of quotes, for the people who don’t want to watch, but it’s not just him. It’s most of them. When things turn to “activism”, the things they criticize about the other side, which I agree ought to be criticized, their side does the exact same thing and they don’t bat an eye. This is just “I don’t agree with you, therefore this thing that you’re doing is wrong”, instead of “this thing is wrong, full stop.” Pure hypocrisy.

I started noticing the problem as soon as he started talking about Trump. Now, I’m not a fan of Trump, not anymore, but we’ll get to what he said.

Let’s start at the beginning though.

“Welcome back everyone,  to Bridge the Divide, where I examine irrational beliefs, the irrational  behaviors that often follow and how we, with education, rationality and reason, can bridge the societal divides they create.”

Except your side is performing those very same irrational behaviors, based on their very own irrational beliefs. Now he is not the only one doing this, as I said, because I just watched a video from The Line, where Jimmy Snow and Matt Dillahunty were pulling the same thing. Essentially, it all comes down to “if you disagree with me, then you’re automatically wrong because I am automatically right, so there.” I’ve pointed out things like that in my videos and it works no more from the progressive side than it does from the religious. This whole thing really comes off like “we’ll use our supposed superior intellect to reach the obviously correct conclusions, the ones that make us feel good!” How is that any different than what the religious pull?

“Ever since the rhetoric of the Trump administration essentially gave the green light to ignorant and bigoted religious extremists to influence and attack our legislative and education systems for their own ends, we as a society, in the past few years, have seen a steady rise in efforts from the far right to normalize Christian nationalism in this country.”

And you know what we’ve seen from progressives? An attempt to influence and attack our legislative and education systems for their own ends and we’ve seen a steady rise in efforts from the far left to normalize things like sexual fetishes, sexualizing children and unscientific bunk like 768 or whatever genders, in this country. Now he wouldn’t like if someone said that, but only because that’s what the progressive left favor. Now I’m not saying either side is right or either side is wrong because both have, at least some points. Not many, sadly, at least in my opinion, but both at least have a right to voice their opinions. They both have equal access to the mechanisms for gaining votes in this country, or at least they should. Both sides are trying to block the opposition from accessing that. Both are hypocrites.

“From implanting Christian extremists into the school boards to various state politicians attempting to force schools to reach the Bible while simultaneously banning books that they’ve never read to appointing a reality-denying, conspiracy-minded theocrat to the speaker of the house to extremist groups openly gasslighting and targeting for harm, various members of minority groups like LGBTQ+ and immigrants.”

And what the fuck are the progressives doing? Same thing. They’ve been doing it for a long time. They’ve been passing laws to restrict free speech because some people  get offended over using the “wrong pronouns”.  They make all kinds of batshit insane claims, not backed up by any evidence, because it might make someone “feel bad!” They pushed that idiot Fauci, who now admits that everything he said about Covid was bullshit, and passed laws to criminalize people’s activities and forced millions of businesses to close, because they had a vested interest in pushing a narrative. See, this is easy to do on both sides, isn’t it? And banning books? The left does it all the time! They scream when anything they don’t like gets into a school library! Hell, you can’t even talk about some topics on left-leaning social media without those platforms either censoring those discussions entirely or trying to put up the “facts” as they see them in an attempt to discredit anyone else’s opinion. This is incredibly common!

“Even as we push back against these growing social divides, we cannot forget, first and foremost, what this country is truly all about. And that is making money baby!”

Said like a true socialist. I have no idea what his views on that are, but his side does the same thing, doesn’t it?

That’s where I’m going to stop with the quotes because I think I’ve made my point. Every time we see the left railing against the right, they are just hypocrites because they are doing the exact same things, often for the exact same reasons. They are taking their “faith” and just pushing it on everyone else. Maybe you should all just fuck off.

That’s all any of this is. It’s faith and fee-fees from both sides. They really want it to be true and they’re all blinded by ideology into thinking that they’re right, everyone else is wrong automatically, and they somehow deserve to stamp the other side out, because… of course they do. That doesn’t make any of this real.

As I was just telling someone, over on Reddit, a couple of minutes ago, someone complained about Westboro Baptist Church, saying they should be forced to stop talking. I said they have free speech, just like everyone else and if they want to go and protest what they say, they are welcome to do so. Instead, they insisted that they shouldn’t be allowed to speak because it’s “hate speech”. That’s stupid. Hate speech is in the eye of the beholder. If you asked the Phelps’, they’d probably say that anyone criticizing them is hate speech and could insist that it  be forcibly stopped. “Yeah, but I’m right!” said the idiot on Reddit, downvoted me and ran away.

You can’t win with these mental midgets who don’t understand the world that they live in.

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