Hypocrisy Once Again

So there was another call on the Atheist Experience that, once again, shows just how bizarre the conversation is becoming these days.

Honestly, why are they pushing a political agenda on the show? Because, I suspect, Matt needs to in order to keep his girlfriend happy. There’s a political agenda written all over it and that’s just dumb.

First off, here’s the call in question, if you’re interested in taking a look. Keep in mind that most of the call is completely irrelevant to my point, that comes at the very end in a sentence or two by Matt Dillahunty. So, watch or don’t, your call.

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The real issue comes when he says something about the caller’s stated pronouns being “king” and something else. Big deal! He’s essentially choosing not to take the caller seriously because he’s not following the social conventions that Matt buys into.

But why should anyone do that? Anyone sane, I mean. The entire pronoun game that they’ve been playing this year is nothing more than an emotional roller coaster meant to appeal to the liberal mindset that Matt holds.

Here’s the thing. When you call in, I presume that they ask you what your pronouns are. I don’t know, I’ve never called and I have no interest in doing so. Anyone who gives any pronouns that don’t fit their mold, they get upset at and refuse to use. Well isn’t that really hypocritical of them? If someone wants to be referred to as “king”, shouldn’t they respect their wishes enough to do so? Isn’t the whole point to let people choose their own pronouns? To let callers choose their own identity instead of having Matt and the other co-hosts force it on them?

Nope, that’s not what it’s about at all. This is about Matt feeling better, and I suspect, making Arden feel better, because they’re together. He’s letting his social life and his political beliefs dictate conversations that have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with them. This isn’t about atheism. It’s about Matt’s feelings and that’s entirely hypocritical.

This is why I stopped caring about Skeptic Generation virtually immediately. Eric Murphy and Vi La Bianca left the ACA because they wanted to have their own show that could make them money and so they could say what they wanted to say. They started off with this stupid pronoun bullshit and they started to talk about things far beyond skepticism. Half of the first shows were on trying to guilt people into veganism, but if I wanted that, I’d be listening to the Vegan Generation.

Granted, they can do whatever they want and I have a choice whether to go along for the ride and I’ve chosen, based on these things, not to. No harm, no foul. I still have a right to criticize it though. None of this stuff, whether on Skeptic Generation or any of the ACA shows, is skeptically based. It’s all about fee-fees and I am ever so sick of that.

Honestly, if they want to give people an opportunity to choose their own pronouns, not force them down a specific liberal viewpoint but to allow anyone who has a preference to make that preference known, then they ought to simply ask. Don’t make a big thing of it, don’t announce it, it shouldn’t matter. Do it for the hosts who can use the “proper pronouns” in the conversation. Anyone who doesn’t choose pronouns that are different from the norm, who cares? It ought to be for the edification of the callers, not for the emotional comfort of the hosts. That’s just stupid.

But if you’re going to do it, you need to do it equally for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you think they’re serious. If you’re going to respect some, you have to respect all. I suppose if someone calls in and says their pronoun is “fuck you Matt Dillahunty”, then that might be a rare exception, but why would you take that call at all? It’s clearly not an honest interlocutor.

This whole thing is just getting ridiculous and clearly, it isn’t for the callers, it’s so Matt can get laid at home. If there’s anything more absurd in the world, I’m having a hard time figuring out what it is.

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