Category Archives: Philosophy

The Foolishness of Free Will Discussions

I was thinking about making a video on this, who knows, I still might, but I wound up having a discussion on free will and I spent the whole time rolling my eyes. I have no idea what the true position of the free will denier was, he was kind of vague about the whole thing, but he kept saying that we couldn’t have free will because… reasons.

It all kind of fell apart from there. Continue reading The Foolishness of Free Will Discussions


I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately on this, and today, Godless Engineer put up a video, where in the thumbnail, it says “This Caller is Obviously Morally Bankrupt!”

Yeah, that’s not how morality works. So once again, we’re going to delve into this and the absurd notions that far too many people have on morality.

There is no “RIGHT MORALITY!” It just doesn’t exist! Continue reading There IS NO RIGHT MORALITY!

Why I Really Hate Both Sides

This goes for both sides of just about any issue these days, although it’s most easily seen at the extremes. They are all doing the same thing, pretty much for the same reasons, then pointing fingers at everyone else and calling them hypocrites.

Sorry, I think you’re all assholes. You have to come and join reality. What you’re doing right now is anything but. Continue reading Why I Really Hate Both Sides

I Hate Progressives Part 19

Honestly, do you trust anyone in politics? I know I don’t and that comes from many decades of hard-won experience with the liars in public office. Trust me, I’m not defending the Republicans, I’m just pointing out why I don’t trust the Democrats and the farther to the left you go, the less I want anything to do with these idiots.

So let’s dive into part 19, because this is one more place that their lies are very, very apparent. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 19

It’s No Better When You Do It!

I just finished writing a long video, and I don’t want to give anything away since it won’t appear on the channel for about 2.5 months, but I still wanted to talk about something that I have observed in the “atheist community” a lot. That is, the desire to decry the religious when they do an irrational thing and then, do the same irrational thing about non-religious subjects and be completely oblivious to it.

So let’s talk about it. Continue reading It’s No Better When You Do It!

I Hate Progressives Part 18

We’re up to 18 parts and there aren’t that many remaining. I figure in another 2-3 weeks, we’ll be through the list and I haven’t found one talking point that I remotely agreed with yet, or that I think for one second the left is serious about. It’s all pandering to stupid people who are looking for handouts. If you think this is any different, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 18

They Still Can’t Look in the Mirror

This is probably going to be a quick one because I don’t think I have to say much about it. This comes from a video over on Paulogia’s channel, where Seth Andrews makes a point at the very beginning and then it launches into a discussion.

Unfortunately, if you just change “Christian Nationalist” to “progressive” in his statement, it still means the same thing. So I’m going to link to the video below and will quote what Seth said, but it’s amazing just how self-unaware these people are. They’re all doing the exact same things! Continue reading They Still Can’t Look in the Mirror

I Hate Progressives Part 17

Back again with another political claim by the progressives which sounds good on paper, but we know that they don’t really mean it. Experience has taught us never to trust politicians and that is especially true here. If they really wanted what they say they want, they’d try to get ALL money taken out of it, not only the other side’s. So let’s get into it. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 17

I Hate Progressives Part 16

We’re into the next part now and it hasn’t really made a difference. None of these progressive talking points meet the rational smell test and certainly not the honesty version. I know that the far left is not honest, they have proven it time and time again, so we’re going to revisit that today and I’ll show why I don’t accept their rhetoric. I want a party that I can trust and I don’t think any of those exist. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 16

I Hate Progressives Part 15

We’ve come to part 3, “Taking on systems that privilege the wealthy and powerful to demand a government and economy that works for the people.” Except the left doesn’t care about the people. They are only pushing their agenda and screw everyone else. This is a 5-part section, so I don’t expect it to take very long, but I’m reasonably sure I won’t agree with any of it. Let’s see. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 15