Tag Archives: free will

The Consciousness Conundrum

This is another subject that comes up a lot in discussions, most often, I notice, with the non-religious. Often, it is tied to the free will debate and they will claim that we don’t really have free will because neuroscience has shown that decisions are made before the conscious mind is even aware of them.

Yeah, but you’re just doing reality wrong, sorry! Continue reading The Consciousness Conundrum

The Absurdity of the Free Will Argument

Most discussions about free will become complete clusterfucks, mostly, I’m convinced, because everyone is talking past everyone else. It’s just happened yet again so I thought it was a good opportunity to put down some thoughts about why I think free will, at least as I’m going to define it, exists and why hard determinism is such a waste of time. Continue reading The Absurdity of the Free Will Argument