I Hate Progressives Part 17

Back again with another political claim by the progressives which sounds good on paper, but we know that they don’t really mean it. Experience has taught us never to trust politicians and that is especially true here. If they really wanted what they say they want, they’d try to get ALL money taken out of it, not only the other side’s. So let’s get into it.

I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions.

Democratizing our society by getting money out of politics, eliminating political corruption, and protecting and expanding access to the ballot box.

If they were serious, I’d say fine, but they’re not. What they want is to limit the other side while being able to do anything they want on their own. I had a discussion with a liberal in the last election, where he was basically saying this. I asked if that meant that people like George Soros had to stop spending millions of dollars on left-leaning projects and he said no. He’s an individual, he can do whatever he wants! Of course, when the right does the same thing, that’s terrible and has to be stopped.

I’d be happy if big money left the political arena completely. I’ve been saying that for years. I think it would be a great idea if, on a certain date, all of the people legitimately running for high office, each of them got a check from the government and that was all the money they had to run their campaign. It would come with an independent auditor that would track every penny spent. It would stop someone like Trump from spending any of their own money, but it would also stop the deep pockets on the left from trying to buy representation.

If people want to support “the process”, then they are free to donate whatever they’d like to a central fund, which will be distributed to all of the legitimate candidates evenly. You can’t support an individual, but you can support the political process. I figure we would never see another donation ever again.

How this would work, I don’t know. There are plenty of details to work out, not the least of which is getting rid of the silly idea that political donations equate to free speech. Speech is speech. Donations are not speech. Donations are support for someone else’s speech. That is not free speech in and of itself.

Of course, this will never happen because neither side wants it. They just want to run the giant, bloated campaigns that they always have. Politics is inherently  corrupt.

I’d also like to see all candidates held accountable for their campaign promises. If elected, every promise made on the campaign trail must be meaningfully fulfilled within one year of taking office. It doesn’t have to be a complete fulfillment, since these things can take time, but meaningful steps need to be taken, as determined by independent outside evaluators.

That’s another thing that will never happen because both sides would oppose it. They just want to be able to lie to people with no consequences, but I want that to go away too. It’s going to seriously limit the pie-in-the-sky promises that they have no intention of keeping and I want that to go away entirely.

So once again, sounds decent on paper but I don’t believe a word of it. This isn’t just anti-progressive, it’s anti-politics. We know how it works and how dishonest it is. I want to get the dishonesty out of politics entirely. That shouldn’t be too much to ask.

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