Just a couple left in our evaluation of the Progressive Platform and they haven’t gotten one right yet. It’s all just pandering to the willfully ignorant and emotionally overwrought and that’s pretty much a hallmark of the political extremes on both sides. Maybe I’ll see if I can find a platform for the extreme right and do the same thing all over again because I’m sure they’re just as bad on some things.
Welcome back to the next part of “I Hate Progressives!” The longer this series goes on, the more obvious it becomes to me that the far left has a ton of problems and is really, identical to the far-right. Both sides want control. Both sides want loyalty. Neither has the best interests of the actual people in mind.
Here we go again with another stupid idea from the house of stupid ideas, the political left. This isn’t a surprise and hasn’t been for a long time, except to the people who can’t think, they can only feel. Honestly, the left are every bit as bad as the far right and for the same reasons. They just want to believe!
Here we go again. The list of reasons that I detest the progressive party line is never-ending, in fact, I can’t think of a single reason that I wholeheartedly agree with. Most of it is just mumbo jumbo nonsense, aimed at making the young and stupid feel good, because reality doesn’t matter to the far-left, any more than it matters to the far-right.
So last night, we rushed our youngest daughter to the emergency room. Don’t worry, she’s fine. It was a gigantic exercise in futility anyhow and we wound up walking out because they were completely incompetent. That’s not the story though, because while we were there, I got to see two things going on.
So, some idiot showed up on a random subreddit with a bunch of test results proving that he was a hate-filled bigot. Yes, it was a troll, but I went back to the site that he was using to take these tests and decided to take a couple, just for fun.
It only proved that so many of these online tests are such a waste of time because they are judged by an absurd standard. Continue reading Am I a Racist?→
I wound up in a discussion with a leftist today on racism. Well, it drifted a little to take in all of the classic “isms” that the left hates. I decided it was about time to blow his mind, especially since things weren’t going anywhere useful.
I watched a couple of videos lately on old TV shows and cartoons from the 30s and 40s mostly, and how some episodes are not readily available today because they offend people’s fee-fees. I find that absurd and pathetic, but I find most people these days, especially young people, to be absurd and pathetic.
Sorry John but you absolutely got your ass handed to you.
So Godless Engineer put up part of a discussion, the video will be linked below, where he and a Christian were supposed to be debating the question of “all lives matter”. And sorry, in this particular exchange, GE completely lost.