Recently, Talk Heathen put out a video from a theist who wanted to talk about God and free will. While the call itself was pointless, the thought experiment that Kenneth Leonard came up with was terminally flawed and I see this kind of thing happening all the time.
As long as we’re on a roll, let’s just go for it. So I just got back from Stater Bros. to pick up a couple of things that we forgot over the weekend. As anyone who has read the blog for a while knows, I’m not that impressed by Stater Bros., they were profiteering off of the pandemic and frankly, their employees are generally assholes. However, I’m really starting to wonder why the hell we even have baggers anymore? What exactly do they do? Continue reading What’s the Point of Baggers?→
I came across this yet again on the latest episode of Truth Wanted, where co-host Dave Warnock decided to pretend that there’s only one side in any political debate.
I know this is hardly a surprise but I just caught another instance and thought I’d bring it up. There are a lot of people out there who simply cannot keep their emotions in check. They clearly don’t even know that they’re doing it. Exactly why is that?
I know I shouldn’t be surprised but when this kind of thing comes up, the stupidity of the left never really surprises me.
Someone posted that some subreddit or another was posting something they didn’t like and, of course, that meant that it had to be stopped and wanted Reddit to delete the subreddit and ban everyone involved. No, nothing actually violated Reddit’s AUP, it just made leftists mad and therefore, mass cancellation was called for. Continue reading Free Speech is Just a Suggestion→
Most discussions about free will become complete clusterfucks, mostly, I’m convinced, because everyone is talking past everyone else. It’s just happened yet again so I thought it was a good opportunity to put down some thoughts about why I think free will, at least as I’m going to define it, exists and why hard determinism is such a waste of time. Continue reading The Absurdity of the Free Will Argument→
Here’s something that comes up quite a bit but I don’t know if I’ve ever really addressed it as a specific question. It’s something most of us have done and most of us have been frustrated by, but how, exactly, do you argue with dumb people?
A while back, I looked at a video by Andy Bannister where he recommended a book called Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin. At the time I responded, the book hadn’t been released and I said that I might take a look at it once it was out.
Here’s something that I’ve noticed a lot lately and it goes a long way to showing just how clueless the political left actually are.
Now granted, the right aren’t much better at the moment, showing that the extremes on both sides need some serious professional help, but while the religious right is absurd, at least they have a memory longer than a goldfish Continue reading The Absurd Hypocritical Nature of the Left→
So, today I posted part two of a video and over on BitChute, some crazy theist popped up and started making absurd accusations.
This is hardly the first time it’s happened, this guy is out of his mind, but I find it funny just how badly these people fail. So let’s go take a look at it, shall we? Continue reading The Religious Have no Clue!→