Putting the Cart in Front of the God

This is something that I’ve thought for a while but could only really put into coherent words recently. Someone pointed out that it’s very similar to my 30 Second Debate Tactic so it’s been floating around out there for a very long time but hey, I’m going to try to articulate it here.

Theists, it doesn’t matter what your book says until you establish a baseline for your claims! Let’s talk about it.So today, I had a video go up where I took on a Jewish rabbi who kept claiming that atheists had to study Judaism before we could reject it. Now he was doing the same thing that all other theists are doing, he was just assuming that his heartfelt beliefs were automatically true, because fee-fees, but that’s simply not true in any objective sense. I don’t have any obligation to go looking at your mythology unless you can demonstrate that your mythology is worthwhile in the first place.

Granted, I have already done that, I know a lot about Judaism, like I know a lot about Islam and Christianity and a lot of other common religions but I have no obligation to go look at it in detail until you can show me that your basic claims about a god are even reasonable to consider in the first place.

So show us a god and then we’ll worry about who got it right. Yet the religious can’t do that, can they? They are all starting with the bald assertion that there is a god and then competing over which of the various religious actually have the correct view on it. They’ve bypassed the obvious requirements and moved on to “this makes me happy so it’s got to be true!” Says who? Because the simple fact is, they’re not concerned one way or the other if anything in their beliefs is actually so, as long as they’re being made happy by the idea.

That’s kind of a problem whether they want to admit it or not.

This was made evident to me when on this video, over on BitChute, I got a theist saying they could prove God. So… go right ahead, I said. Just make sure you’re not mistaking faith and wishful thinking for proof. We need actual, demonstrable evidence and that was when he came back with “Oh, I’d just be wasting my time trying to prove it to you…”

Sure pal. You’ve got nothing, you know you’ve got nothing and now you’re just running away. What else is new?

Because at the core of all religious belief is blind faith and the second we see that to be true, we can dismiss religion as incoherent. I am absolutely not interested in what makes you feel good, I care only about what you can prove and the religious, unfortunately, can’t prove a damn thing. I’ve said this in my videos time and time again. Your fee-fees don’t matter to anyone but you! So long as that is the case, and it always will be, you can’t just approach someone and demand that your feelings deserve to be respected. Everything the religious do is an emotional appeal, not an intellectual one. I am not remotely impressed by emotional appeals. I need to see evidence, right there in the palm of my metaphorical hand. Put up or shut up. Stop making excuses and do something! Yet they can’t. They just can’t. That’s where they run into so many problems.

Too bad they’re so blind that they can’t see the reality right in front of their face.

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