I Don’t Care About the “WHY”!

I have had more than one conversation about this recently and this is kind of a “why I really dislike a lot of philosophers” thing. They are looking for things that just aren’t real. It comes off a lot like religion, which I think is a very similar mindset.

When you’re talking about the real world, I care only about the “HOW” of things. How did things happen? What processes came about to make the thing that happened possible? They only care about the “WHY?” The supposed larger “reason” behind it all.

What if there is no reason though? That’s where it all breaks down. Continue reading I Don’t Care About the “WHY”!

Tie to Clear Out the YouTube Crap

I’ve started to get rid of YouTube channels that can’t stick to a single topic. There are a number of atheist channels that have started producing a ton of political content.

I don’t want to watch it, therefore I am unsubscribing. I know why they’re doing it but I have zero interest in consuming it, therefore, they’re going into the dumpster.

Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to miss them. Continue reading Tie to Clear Out the YouTube Crap

How Stupid Is This State?

I’m not surprised, but after all the crap that I’ve had to go through to get this stupid truck registered this year, all of the garbage standing in my way that is 100% the fault of the State of California, this crap happens again.

It’s just a laughable demonstration of the sad state of the liberal governance of this crappy place. Real quick, here we go a gain. Continue reading How Stupid Is This State?

Dealing With Reality

I have no idea why people have such a hard time dealing with reality, but apparently, a lot of people do. Me, I just look at it and say “okay… that’s real” and move on. How could I do any different?

But lots of people have problems just dealing with the world that they live in and I find that incredibly sad. So here’s why it’s such a problem and why it really shouldn’t be. Continue reading Dealing With Reality

The Foolishness of Free Will Discussions

I was thinking about making a video on this, who knows, I still might, but I wound up having a discussion on free will and I spent the whole time rolling my eyes. I have no idea what the true position of the free will denier was, he was kind of vague about the whole thing, but he kept saying that we couldn’t have free will because… reasons.

It all kind of fell apart from there. Continue reading The Foolishness of Free Will Discussions


I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately on this, and today, Godless Engineer put up a video, where in the thumbnail, it says “This Caller is Obviously Morally Bankrupt!”

Yeah, that’s not how morality works. So once again, we’re going to delve into this and the absurd notions that far too many people have on morality.

There is no “RIGHT MORALITY!” It just doesn’t exist! Continue reading There IS NO RIGHT MORALITY!

Why I Really Hate Both Sides

This goes for both sides of just about any issue these days, although it’s most easily seen at the extremes. They are all doing the same thing, pretty much for the same reasons, then pointing fingers at everyone else and calling them hypocrites.

Sorry, I think you’re all assholes. You have to come and join reality. What you’re doing right now is anything but. Continue reading Why I Really Hate Both Sides