Category Archives: Philosophy

Down the Rabbit Hole!

I went on an unintended trip down the proverbial rabbit hole today when a video showed up in my feed on “where woke people go wrong” or something like that. It dove into all the places that the political left take leave of their senses, which I wholeheartedly agree with, but at the very end,  it said something about “the real place we get knowledge and morals is God!”

Yeah, you’re doing exactly what the people you criticizes are doing. What the hell else is new?

Continue reading Down the Rabbit Hole!

Here We Go Again!

I know I’ve  done this a million times, but it keeps coming up so I’ll keep pointing it out. The political left is doing EXACTLY what the religious are doing, yet they are completely blind to their own failures.

This time, we get a video from Atheist Experience, which I’ll link to below the fold. The caller claims that atheists are cherry picking, while doing nothing  but cherry picking themselves, then the hosts start cherry picking too. It’s all absurd! Continue reading Here We Go Again!

Just Had One of the Dumbest Discussions

This is one of those things that you just shake your head at and find it hard to believe that it just happened but it did. I stumbled into this thing in the middle, so I don’t know how it started, but over on Reddit, there was a discussion going on about determinism and free will and I asked the self-identified hard determinist a question.

You’re not going to believe what he said. Continue reading Just Had One of the Dumbest Discussions

You’re Not Special!

I just had this bizarre conversation with a theist who simply couldn’t deal with reality. That’s a common problem, I know, but this guy  (or gal, no clue) really illustrates why the religious have so many problems. They simply cannot handle reality as it actually is. They have to invent nonsense to comfort their childish feelings.

That’s absolutely pathetic. Continue reading You’re Not Special!

The Failure Never Ends

I ran into this yet again, in another throwback episode of The Atheist Experience. Matt really has problems not understanding the words that  come out of his own mouth.

This is why I object to him the second he walks into social issues because he has every bit as much faith as a theist in the issues that he embraces. But first, let’s link to the video and then we’ll talk more. Continue reading The Failure Never Ends

No Time for Bullshit

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve lost all respect for bullshit. I don’t put up with it anymore. I’ve got more important things to do. Nowhere is this more true than in discussions online, where people will just throw crap at the wall and hope it sticks and when it doesn’t, they just make excuses.

I’ve got no interest in your excuses. I care about your evidence. Put up or shut up. I’m not going to try to educate you. If you’re that dumb, go away. I have zero interest in engaging with idiots. Continue reading No Time for Bullshit

What’s My Epistemology?

I had a discussion with someone on Reddit about epistemology and it didn’t go well. That got me to thinking about things and I was going to make a video, but then I caught a Rationality Rules video scroll by and even though I don’t subscribe to him anymore, I watched it anyhow, since it was fortuitously timed, and figured I’d do it here.

So here goes. Continue reading What’s My Epistemology?

I Don’t Care About the “WHY”!

I have had more than one conversation about this recently and this is kind of a “why I really dislike a lot of philosophers” thing. They are looking for things that just aren’t real. It comes off a lot like religion, which I think is a very similar mindset.

When you’re talking about the real world, I care only about the “HOW” of things. How did things happen? What processes came about to make the thing that happened possible? They only care about the “WHY?” The supposed larger “reason” behind it all.

What if there is no reason though? That’s where it all breaks down. Continue reading I Don’t Care About the “WHY”!

Dealing With Reality

I have no idea why people have such a hard time dealing with reality, but apparently, a lot of people do. Me, I just look at it and say “okay… that’s real” and move on. How could I do any different?

But lots of people have problems just dealing with the world that they live in and I find that incredibly sad. So here’s why it’s such a problem and why it really shouldn’t be. Continue reading Dealing With Reality