A while back, I looked at a video by Andy Bannister where he recommended a book called Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin. At the time I responded, the book hadn’t been released and I said that I might take a look at it once it was out.
So, today I posted part two of a video and over on BitChute, some crazy theist popped up and started making absurd accusations.
This is hardly the first time it’s happened, this guy is out of his mind, but I find it funny just how badly these people fail. So let’s go take a look at it, shall we? Continue reading The Religious Have no Clue!→
I’ve seen Matt Dillahunty say this a couple of times but I’ve always disagreed. The idea is that someone who thinks they have had an experience with the divine, that somehow justifies a belief in a god. Except it doesn’t. Only an *ACTUAL* experience with a *DEMONSTRABLE* deity would justify a belief that such a god was actually there.
Not long ago, Richard Dawkins posted the above tweet and the leftist world shit it’s collective pants. What the hell else is new? Yet this time, I think people are starting to recognize the standard progressive dog whistle isn’t actually working. Lots of very influential people on the atheist and skeptical side are starting to ask questions and recognizing that this isn’t actually making any sense. So here’s my take on it and why none of this is actually a surprise.
This came up in an atheist subreddit recently, where people were asking what’s stopping the world in general and humanity in particular from improving and my answer, as should be no surprise, is “stupid people”. It’s certainly more nuanced than that short answer, but I noticed that it was a pretty common answer to the thread.
I hear this a lot from the non-religious, as though it’s a demonstrated fact and it’s not actually true. Recently, I was listening to a lot of Atheist Experience clips and the subject of slavery comes up a lot. That’s fine, of course, but it also shows a very clear bias and irrational bent from Matt Dillahunty that I think it’s important to look at the problems with these claims. So off we go. Continue reading Is Slavery Actually Immoral?→
I just had someone over on my YouTube channel criticize me because I’m insulting people who believe in gods. They are a believer and even though they agree with me on so-called “church people”, I should stop telling people to stop using their emotions.
Except that’s not what I’m doing and someone really misunderstands pretty much everything I’m saying. So here I will explain. Continue reading Faulty Reasoning→
I recently did a video response on Mike Licona where he tries to argue that Paul actually matters in the Bible. I agree with him, Paul does matter, just as every other writer in the Bible, but not for the same reasons he thinks. You need to establish a real, historical Paul so that you can objectively and independently verify that the events recorded in the Bible actually happened.
This isn’t a new story, but with new beginnings comes setting the stage. Therefore, I wanted to describe how I left Christianity and became an outspoken atheist. If I can do it, so can you. So can anyone. You just have to have a brain in your head and care if what you believe is actually true.