Category Archives: Atheism

Here We Go Again!

I know I’ve  done this a million times, but it keeps coming up so I’ll keep pointing it out. The political left is doing EXACTLY what the religious are doing, yet they are completely blind to their own failures.

This time, we get a video from Atheist Experience, which I’ll link to below the fold. The caller claims that atheists are cherry picking, while doing nothing  but cherry picking themselves, then the hosts start cherry picking too. It’s all absurd! Continue reading Here We Go Again!

Anti-Mythicists Are Pathetic.

This is not remotely the first time I’ve seen it, but yesterday, it really hit home just how pathetic a lot of atheists are when it comes to Jesus mythicism. Remember, I am not stating that no Jesus ever existed, I simply point out that we have no evidence whatsoever for any real Jesus, such that even if there was a real Jesus, we couldn’t say anything demonstrably real about him.

But come on, this is ridiculous and it happens all the time! Continue reading Anti-Mythicists Are Pathetic.

The Failure Never Ends

I ran into this yet again, in another throwback episode of The Atheist Experience. Matt really has problems not understanding the words that  come out of his own mouth.

This is why I object to him the second he walks into social issues because he has every bit as much faith as a theist in the issues that he embraces. But first, let’s link to the video and then we’ll talk more. Continue reading The Failure Never Ends

I’m Doomed!

I know it was a complete waste of time, but I went looking for “most rational modern Christian apologist” on Google and I’m really depressed at what I found. I had to add in “modern” because without it, all you get are old dead dudes from the Middle Ages or before, and it’s really sad that those are considered the best Christian apologists of all time.

I find them all laughable. But let’s look at who Christians think are actually good modern apologists. It’s not a pretty picture. Continue reading I’m Doomed!

No Time for Bullshit

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve lost all respect for bullshit. I don’t put up with it anymore. I’ve got more important things to do. Nowhere is this more true than in discussions online, where people will just throw crap at the wall and hope it sticks and when it doesn’t, they just make excuses.

I’ve got no interest in your excuses. I care about your evidence. Put up or shut up. I’m not going to try to educate you. If you’re that dumb, go away. I have zero interest in engaging with idiots. Continue reading No Time for Bullshit

Tie to Clear Out the YouTube Crap

I’ve started to get rid of YouTube channels that can’t stick to a single topic. There are a number of atheist channels that have started producing a ton of political content.

I don’t want to watch it, therefore I am unsubscribing. I know why they’re doing it but I have zero interest in consuming it, therefore, they’re going into the dumpster.

Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to miss them. Continue reading Tie to Clear Out the YouTube Crap

Why I Really Hate Both Sides

This goes for both sides of just about any issue these days, although it’s most easily seen at the extremes. They are all doing the same thing, pretty much for the same reasons, then pointing fingers at everyone else and calling them hypocrites.

Sorry, I think you’re all assholes. You have to come and join reality. What you’re doing right now is anything but. Continue reading Why I Really Hate Both Sides

What Do I Want?

I’ve  been on a years-long search for any religious apologist, theologian, or just a believer worth a damn and so far, I haven’t found it. I’ve brought this up in many videos and occasionally, I have questions about it.

I don’t know that I’ve ever really spelled it out, exactly what it is that I’m looking for. Therefore, I’m going to try to do that today, at least to give people a place to look if they have questions. Continue reading What Do I Want?