All posts by admin

The Future of Film

I caught a video today by Chris Stuckmann on the future of film, at least his take. Now while I disagree with… most of it, but I figure I ought to talk about it because I think it is important, especially to show that people like Chris, who are entirely fanatical about movies, don’t really represent the actual issues facing modern day cinema.

So, there will be a link to the video below the fold if you want to watch it, but let’s get at it. Continue reading The Future of Film

Some People Shouldn’t Be In Charge

Just another quick one, as I ran across it, but there are some people, quite a few in my opinion, who just have no business being in charge of anything. Ever. This is especially true of online public forums. We’ll get into the details below the fold, but if you can’t keep your personal opinions out of your moderation, sod off. Continue reading Some People Shouldn’t Be In Charge

Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

I ran into a thread on Reddit today, where they were talking about atheists who are conservative, because they couldn’t imagine how anyone who was intelligent, educated and non-religious could identify that way.

Well, once upon a time, I identified that way, at least in a limited fashion, so I read through it and found that it was mostly people who were talking out of their own asses.

Somehow, that is not at all surprising. Continue reading Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

Stupid YouTube Channels

This is more of a rant, so if you don’t like that kind of thing, feel free to click away now. I won’t be mad.

However, I’ve been seeing a ton of this lately and I am ever so sick of it. I mean YouTube channels who exist only to explain why they hate absolutely everything that they do, yet they keep on doing it. It’s rage-bait for the sake of rage-bait.

Holy crap, assholes, you can just stop! Continue reading Stupid YouTube Channels

When Did People Get This Stupid?

I’ve noticed this a lot lately, and I’m sure it’s been going on for a while, but people will get online, say “I just bought this thing for this amount of money, how did I do?”

Isn’t that a question you should have asked before you spent the money? I mean, are you really that dumb?

Sadly, the answer is almost always yes. Continue reading When Did People Get This Stupid?

This Never Goes Anywhere

So anyhow, this kind of devolved on Reddit, where there was a thread where someone made some claims that atheists were all the same and you could tell a lot of things about atheists, simply because we all had the same “atheist worldview”.
It didn’t go well, as you can imagine. This has kind of turned into one theist completely discrediting everything that he claimed and everyone else laughing at him. He said that he could tell me details about what I did or what I supported, just based on the fact that I was an atheist. So let’s take a look at some of the selected snippets, since the discussion isn’t done yet, but I wanted to get this down before he invariably deleted his account and ran for the hills.

Continue reading This Never Goes Anywhere