Tag Archives: hypocrisy

Down the Rabbit Hole!

I went on an unintended trip down the proverbial rabbit hole today when a video showed up in my feed on “where woke people go wrong” or something like that. It dove into all the places that the political left take leave of their senses, which I wholeheartedly agree with, but at the very end,  it said something about “the real place we get knowledge and morals is God!”

Yeah, you’re doing exactly what the people you criticizes are doing. What the hell else is new?

Continue reading Down the Rabbit Hole!

The Failure Never Ends

I ran into this yet again, in another throwback episode of The Atheist Experience. Matt really has problems not understanding the words that  come out of his own mouth.

This is why I object to him the second he walks into social issues because he has every bit as much faith as a theist in the issues that he embraces. But first, let’s link to the video and then we’ll talk more. Continue reading The Failure Never Ends

It Never Stops, Does It?

This is going to be short and sweet, but someone just posted over on Reddit, something about “these fruitcakes are scared about the election”, with some image of a post somewhere of some religious lunatics were screaming and posting Bible verses and all that. Yes, we know those people exist.

What I have to point out are the idiots on the left who are claiming that they’re going to have a civil war if Trump gets re-elected. You think those morons aren’t scared? What about all the idiots who say “I’m leaving the country!” Of course, they never do. We’d be better off if they would but they stick around because they know nowhere else is better. It’s just fear-mongering. Anyone who said they were going to leave the country in 2016 should have been thrown out already. At least Hollywood would be a lot better. And, of course, the ever-hysterical image of the screaming children that happened in 2016, are we supposed to think they’re not scared? Honestly, just watch these people sometime! Pay attention to what they say! The whole idea that they aren’t terrified that someone that doesn’t share their absurd values getting in is laughable.

I don’t know why these idiots can’t look in the mirror. They’re always guilty of doing the same thing. I can see it clearly, why can’t they?

I Hate Progressives #20

Now we’re down to the final stretch, the last section of the platform, which they call “ A commitment to sweeping, transformative change.” It’s only 4 points long, so this won’t take that long. We should be finished by next Monday. Mostly, I think we’re going to see, these are all areas they want to pander to, not that will be good for the nation as a whole because neither extreme cares about the nation. They just want to make everyone just like them. Hard pass on that.

Continue reading I Hate Progressives #20

More Leftists Not Looking in the Mirror

Not that it’s any surprise, but here we go again. Rationality Rules made a  video, which, absolutely is true for what it’s doing, but he completely ignores the fact that his own political ideology  does exactly the same thing. He can’t acknowledge that, can he? He can’t even see it happening.

He can’t look in the mirror and use the same standards against himself. What else is new? Continue reading More Leftists Not Looking in the Mirror

More Left-Wing Hypocrisy!

I actually watch this guy, but this time, he’s just proven that politics is as much of a mind killer as religion is. This is a video that just came out from the channel Bridge the Divide, which yes, is a pretty decent channel most of the time, when he sticks to religion, yet he goes entirely off the rails here and proves that he, like a lot of hard-left atheists, are just hypocrites.

So let’s look at it. Continue reading More Left-Wing Hypocrisy!

More Amazing Hypocrisy

So, as you may or may not be aware, Activation stepped in it when they decided to delete the skin of Nickmercs off of their store because he made a tweet that said “leave the children alone”.

All of a sudden, there’s open warfare against Activision, with people deleting Call of Duty and calling for boycotts, etc. Yet I had to go wading in to point out one not-at-all-surprising fact.

These people are hypocrites. Continue reading More Amazing Hypocrisy

Another Example of Ideological Blindness

Now I’ll be honest up front that I am not a big fan of the Friendly Atheist, just like I’m not a big fan of most atheists who routinely mix liberal politics with their atheism and he’s among the worst. This isn’t really about him specifically though, he’s just a convenient segue.  However, he put out a video talking about Candace Cameron Bure and… yeah, we have to talk about it because it’s another clear case where the left entirely ignore all of the things that their side does wrong.

So here we go again. Continue reading Another Example of Ideological Blindness

The Absurd Hypocritical Nature of the Left

Here’s something that I’ve noticed a lot lately and it goes a long way to showing just how clueless the political left actually are.

Now granted, the right aren’t much better at the moment, showing that the extremes on both sides need some serious professional help, but while the religious right is absurd, at least they have a memory longer than a goldfish Continue reading The Absurd Hypocritical Nature of the Left