How to Lose Respect: The Trans Edition

I had a distasteful encounter with a trans advocate/fanatic yesterday. They showed up in a science fiction forum and started demanding that trans people weren’t shown the respect that they “deserved” and somehow everyone “owed” them things and damn it, we’d better pony up, or else!

I think you can understand how that played out. They ended up running away screaming that we were all “-ists” before the moderators banned their account because that’s how so many of these encounters go. They don’t have to, and I figure you can guess what political ideology they were espousing, but I wanted to take a few minutes to explain how reasonable trans people can behave. Continue reading How to Lose Respect: The Trans Edition

You’re Not Special!

I just had this bizarre conversation with a theist who simply couldn’t deal with reality. That’s a common problem, I know, but this guy  (or gal, no clue) really illustrates why the religious have so many problems. They simply cannot handle reality as it actually is. They have to invent nonsense to comfort their childish feelings.

That’s absolutely pathetic. Continue reading You’re Not Special!

The Failure Never Ends

I ran into this yet again, in another throwback episode of The Atheist Experience. Matt really has problems not understanding the words that  come out of his own mouth.

This is why I object to him the second he walks into social issues because he has every bit as much faith as a theist in the issues that he embraces. But first, let’s link to the video and then we’ll talk more. Continue reading The Failure Never Ends

No Clue What to Do

This is not an actual picture. Ours is larger, but just as empty.

This is completely off-topic from everything else I talk about around here, so fair warning.

So, as a lot of people know, about 8 years ago, we bought a new house. Things have been great, love it here, you know the drill. However, the one thing that has been bothering us is our back yard. It’s just an empty canvas and we have no idea what to do with it. None whatsoever. We keep talking about getting a landscape designer, but we have no clue what to tell them. They can make it pretty, but they can’t make it useful.

I am totally lost. Continue reading No Clue What to Do

I’m Doomed!

I know it was a complete waste of time, but I went looking for “most rational modern Christian apologist” on Google and I’m really depressed at what I found. I had to add in “modern” because without it, all you get are old dead dudes from the Middle Ages or before, and it’s really sad that those are considered the best Christian apologists of all time.

I find them all laughable. But let’s look at who Christians think are actually good modern apologists. It’s not a pretty picture. Continue reading I’m Doomed!

That’s Not How You Do Business!

One of the reviews said “this must be where all the terrible used car salesmen go to train.”

So last night, we went and bought my wife a new car. We’d been talking about it for a while. She loves her current car, but it’s getting older and we’ve had to sink some money into repairs lately and she just wanted something new.

Therefore, I started to do some research, I know her tastes and I know what kind of things she wants. High on her list of essentials is seat warmers, since it gets really cold here in the winter. So I made my list, she looked it over, picked out the ones that really interested her and we went out last night to look at cars.

Boy, was that a mistake! Continue reading That’s Not How You Do Business!

No Time for Bullshit

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve lost all respect for bullshit. I don’t put up with it anymore. I’ve got more important things to do. Nowhere is this more true than in discussions online, where people will just throw crap at the wall and hope it sticks and when it doesn’t, they just make excuses.

I’ve got no interest in your excuses. I care about your evidence. Put up or shut up. I’m not going to try to educate you. If you’re that dumb, go away. I have zero interest in engaging with idiots. Continue reading No Time for Bullshit

It Never Stops, Does It?

This is going to be short and sweet, but someone just posted over on Reddit, something about “these fruitcakes are scared about the election”, with some image of a post somewhere of some religious lunatics were screaming and posting Bible verses and all that. Yes, we know those people exist.

What I have to point out are the idiots on the left who are claiming that they’re going to have a civil war if Trump gets re-elected. You think those morons aren’t scared? What about all the idiots who say “I’m leaving the country!” Of course, they never do. We’d be better off if they would but they stick around because they know nowhere else is better. It’s just fear-mongering. Anyone who said they were going to leave the country in 2016 should have been thrown out already. At least Hollywood would be a lot better. And, of course, the ever-hysterical image of the screaming children that happened in 2016, are we supposed to think they’re not scared? Honestly, just watch these people sometime! Pay attention to what they say! The whole idea that they aren’t terrified that someone that doesn’t share their absurd values getting in is laughable.

I don’t know why these idiots can’t look in the mirror. They’re always guilty of doing the same thing. I can see it clearly, why can’t they?

What’s My Epistemology?

I had a discussion with someone on Reddit about epistemology and it didn’t go well. That got me to thinking about things and I was going to make a video, but then I caught a Rationality Rules video scroll by and even though I don’t subscribe to him anymore, I watched it anyhow, since it was fortuitously timed, and figured I’d do it here.

So here goes. Continue reading What’s My Epistemology?