The Rank Stupidity of Veganism

I find it very difficult to even watch so-called “vegan” content because the underlying assumptions made are just ludicrous IMO. Why? Because it’s all based on people’s fee-fees and as anyone who has watched my videos knows, I don’t give a damn about your feelings, only your facts. Any argument made on the basis of “but it makes me unhappy!” is just bullshit. I absolutely don’t care, which is why things like “ethical veganism” just make me roll my eyes. That’s why I decided to take a look at an article online trying to defend it and point out all of the places that it’s just ridiculously wrong. Continue reading The Rank Stupidity of Veganism

It Can’t Be That Hard!

I’ve been having a couple of different conversations of late but two in particular seem to dovetail nicely. First, there was one with a theist who insisted that we had to take things like the laws of logic on blind faith and secondly, one going on over on my YouTube channel right now with a philosopher who seems very self-satisfied that philosophy is the end-all-be-all of human intellect.

Come on people, it’s not difficult to figure out what’s actually going on! Continue reading It Can’t Be That Hard!

I Actually Had This Conversation

Last night, I had this conversation with a theist. It didn’t start off as a theistic discussion, it was about death with dignity and I had no clue it was with a theist when I started, but it all ties together nicely and shows just how clueless the religious actually are.

They’ve got some fundamental problems upstairs. Let’s go take a look. Continue reading I Actually Had This Conversation

I Don’t Care if You’re Atypical!

I just got finished having a discussion from someone who, in their own words, is “neuro-atypical”. He was complaining that it’s really hard to live in a world where he can’t do what he wants to do because he’s incapable.

I certainly can sympathize with that, there are plenty of things that I’d love to do that I can’t. Unfortunately, sometimes that’s life and you need to have realistic expectations and, sadly, this  guy simply didn’t. Continue reading I Don’t Care if You’re Atypical!

This is why Religious Debates Fail

So I ran across this article over on where they’re trying to provide a strategy for debating against atheists. I could go through the entire thing, it is ridiculous, but the best part was a single flow chart that shows everything that they’re doing wrong and trying to push all of the faults on the skeptics.

That’s not exactly a surprise, is it? Continue reading This is why Religious Debates Fail