This will be a short one, being Thanksgiving and all, but it never ceases to amaze me just how dumb people are out in the real world. Quick example, coming up below the fold, but I don’t know how these people actually survive day-to-day thinking like this.
I caught a video on YouTube, I don’t know why I watched it, but it was just “kids” (read adults who should be better than that) whining about working retail and… duh? I mean seriously, at your age, why are you working a minimum wage job anyhow? What the hell is wrong with you?
Looks like I made the right choice. A little while ago, I wrote a post about how I was dumping a bunch of YouTube channels that couldn’t keep politics out of their atheistĀ content. It was one of the best decisions I ever could have made.
I went to bed last night, not having any idea who won the election andĀ honestly, not really caring, but I woke up to probably the “best” option, even though both were bad. At least we’ll get a functional economy back, even if we have to put up with religious bullshit for the next 4 years.
Occasionally I’ll see a headline scroll past that just makes me roll my eyes. Now granted, I didn’t read the article because I’m going to use it as a springboard for a discussion because I see this kind of thing all the bloody time.
I just saw a video over on Matt Dillahunty’s channel, which I’ll link to below, about a new “secular religion” called Mystrikism. He went through some of the stuff on their website, which I’ll also link to below, but I had a lot more to say on the subject.
This is not remotely the first time I’ve seen it, but yesterday, it really hit home just how pathetic a lot of atheists are when it comes to Jesus mythicism. Remember, I am not stating that no Jesus ever existed, I simply point out that we have no evidence whatsoever for any real Jesus, such that even if there was a real Jesus, we couldn’t say anything demonstrably real about him.
Sometimes, I just stumble across things on YouTube and decide to write about them. This is one of those times. Honestly, I could make an entirely new YouTube channel just responding to these people, but I’m just going to do it here. At least this way, I don’t have to listen to them whine. Continue reading Sick and Tired of Young People→
This is one of those things that you just shake your head at and find it hard to believe that it just happened but it did. I stumbled into this thing in the middle, so I don’t know how it started, but over on Reddit, there was a discussion going on about determinism and free will and I asked the self-identified hard determinist a question.
I ran across a video, while I was waiting for stuff to finish at work, and sometimes, I just watch random crap on YouTube, because why the heck not? Anyhow, it was a video, complaining that young people can’t get jobs.
You can, but you have to understand what employers are looking for and sadly, most young people these days, they simply don’t. In fact, they have spent their entire educational career shooting themselves in the foot. I’m going to explain it and I’m going to speak very slowly because after talking to a lot of these people, it’s obvious that I have to. Continue reading This is Why Gen-Z Fails→