I think this will be generally quick, but it illustrates exactly the point that I’ve made so many times before. There was a discussion, where someone wanted to know who has had direct, first-person experience with some of the far-left talking points in the real world. I figure the whole point was to show how it was all just hearsay and not experience, but it devolved very quickly, especially once I jumped in.
Let’s do another political post. Not too long ago, Florida passed a law that restricted things like Drag Queen Story Time and recently, a judge ruled that it violated free speech and therefore it can’t be put into practice.
I have some questions about that though. Are they really concerned about free speech, or is this just an attempt at childhood indoctrination? Let’s talk about it. Continue reading Is It Free Speech?→
While I’m at it, let’s do another one. Someone posted a “news story” about an old guy yelling at a 9-year old girl at a track meet, something like that, and he “misgendered” her. The thing is that, because she had short hair, he assumed that she was pretending to be a boy.
I wish I could say this didn’t happen every day, but it does. I was in a “centrist” group on social media, mostly because I am sick and tired of both the left and the right, and we were talking about how both extremes on the political spectrum were following the same playbook, just for different audiences.
Someone popped up and said “you don’t know what you’re talking about!” Really? Then why are my posts getting absurdly up-voted and yours are getting endlessly down-voted? I think you’ve got that backwards. Continue reading The Epitome of the Dunning-Kruger Effect→
So this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but Joe Biden sucks. Have you looked around lately? Banks are failing, the stock market is a mess and confidence is at an all time low. Even the Democrats want someone else to run in 2024, justĀ two weeks into Biden’s official run.
Real quick this time because I think I’ve already made my point, but I just saw this and wanted to throw it out there. Here’s a clip that was made off of Atheist Experience and I think it has good points and bad points. So first, here’s the clip, located conveniently below the fold. It’s less than a minute. Take a look and I’ll see you when you’re done. Continue reading Let’s Do It Again→
Just so nobody gets the idea that I’m only picking on left-wing insanity and pointing out their hypocrisy, here comes an example from the right. Both extremes are identical and it’s time for them both to stop.
So I’ve been talking a fair bit about left-vs-right dynamics and, as people probably know, I am not really a fan of either, at least in the extremes. I don’t want the regressive left in charge, any more than I want the religious right. Both sides suck.
Here, though, is Douglas Murray explaining exactly what the far left is looking for, in it’s bizarre view of how society ought to be and why, it should never, ever be allowed. The video is below the fold. I’ll meet you there. Continue reading Why We Can’t Let the Left Win→
So this is a question that has come up more than once, usually when the political extremes are accusing me of not fitting into their mold. No, I don’t, sorry. As far as I’ve always been concerned, ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’ are political stances, they have nothing at all to do with the bizarre ideologies that infest the far left and the far right. Being conservative has nothing inherently to do with being religious and vice versa. There are a lot of very liberal Christians out there, just like there are a lot of very conservative atheists like me.
So this showed up on Reddit multiple times yesterday and the second it popped up, the second that I saw it, the wheels started to turn because what you see here, we see it in a lot of places these days entirely beyond religion.
Yes, this is another case where the political left are doing the exact same thing as the religious right. Why is that not a surprise? Continue reading They Keep Making My Point→