Your Identity Doesn’t Matter!

I brought up the story of furries invading high schools in Oklahoma in a recent video, and no, you wouldn’t have seen it yet, but it’s coming. The school boards simply accepted the claims, and the disruptions of education that it brings, because “it’s their identity!”

Screw you. Screw you all.

Here’s something that a lot of modern people don’t seem to understand. What you think about reality isn’t relevant, only what is actually true does. While I am going to focus primarily on what the political left does, the religious right is every bit as guilty. You can identify as a Christian, but that doesn’t make your imaginary friend real. That’s a matter for evidence and observation and sadly, you have none.

However, going back to the other side of the aisle, they seem to have a real problem dealing with reality these days, don’t they? Like the religious, they’re only out for emotional comfort. They are looking for something that makes them feel good, whether that thing is true or not.

That’s stupid.

Now I have no way of knowing for sure, since it’s impossible to generalize, but I’ve been convinced for years that the reason the young on the political left are so screwed up is that they’ve never been reigned in by their parents and certainly not by the educational system. If you go back a decade or more, more probably likely now, you got high school students suddenly declaring that they were gay in droves. We know that about 5% of the population is actually gay, but these were numbers far in excess of that. Why?

In my opinion, it’s because young people have always sought to differentiate themselves from the crowd, while at the same time, wanting to be just like everyone else. At the beginning, being gay was new and different and unique. All you had to do is say “I’m gay!” and suddenly, people looked at you as different from the crowd. This was at a time when being gay was suddenly socially acceptable, in fact, people were being carried around on the shoulders of their peers for being “stunning and brave” enough to come out publicly.

Fast forward a couple of years and being gay was no longer unique or special. It was no longer enough to be gay, so they upped the ante. “I’m not JUST gay, I’m also… fill in the blank!” This was the era when they came up with 153 genders. It was the gift that kept on giving. If your chosen gender became passe, you just made up a new one and rode the wave of uniqueness for a while. People would pay attention to you because you said you were different, even though you were doing the same thing as everyone else around you.

It’s still stupid.

Today, that’s being done with trans. We know that less than 1% of the population is actually trans. Very few people have diagnosed gender dysphoria. Yet it’s another thing where it’s really easy to say “See? I’m different!” Nothing says you actually have to make any changes, although some people have done so and regretted it, you just have to say that you want to and that’s good enough, just like you never had to sleep with anyone of the same sex to declare yourself gay. Just the declaration was enough.

Of course, the political left saw this as a means to gain more power and political control. They could take these groups of people and declare them victims and suddenly, they’ve got a new plank in their political platform. They don’t have to actually do anything to help anyone, they just have to play make believe and they get votes from the young people who are now reinforced in their delusions because the Democrats declared that it’s got to be real for political expediency.

How stupid is that?

You are not gay because you say you’re gay. You are not trans because you say you’re trans. You are not a wildebeest because you say that you are one. This is not how reality works. There aren’t 157 genders. It doesn’t matter how you feel. You have to live in the reality that you actually live in, whether you’re happy or not.

Fuck you. We should not be encouraging these people, any more than we should be encouraging the religious. It’s just harming society. It’s stopping actual victims from getting the help that they need and it’s clouding the political landscape with this utter nonsense.

Enough is enough.

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