When Your Emotions Take Over Your Life!

I had a conversation today that reminded me of another conversation that I had almost 20 years ago. Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense soon. The thing is, back in 2004, I thought this was an extreme reaction.

Now, it seems to be everywhere. What the hell is wrong with people today? Someone, please explain!

So I ran into someone today who had, shall I say, an extreme emotional reaction to what is, in reality, a very mundane thing. Tears were streaming down her face because she was vaguely disappointed that something didn’t go her way. It was an absurd over-reaction.

I’ve seen that before though. Back in 2004, I talked to someone just after the Indonesian tsunami which killed almost 250,000 people. That person broke down into absolute hysterics as a result. It was extreme, no matter what the circumstances, but I asked if they knew anyone who died? No. Did they have any attachment or connection to Indonesia or any of the other places in the region? No. Was there anything that they could point to that would justify such a reaction? No.

They were just curled up in a fetal position on the ground, bawling, just because. That was an oddity back in the day. Today, it’s pretty much the norm.

I don’t know what’s wrong with people these days, that they can’t handle reality. Years ago now, back with the first John Wick movie, I saw someone go into a violent fit, breaking things and screaming at the top of their lungs, because John Wick’s dog died.

You do know this is a movie, right? No actual animals got hurt? Nope, it doesn’t matter, even the idea that some dog might have gotten injured, that’s enough to go into a murderous rage. There are people out there who are medicated because they just can’t handle the real world.

It’s getting worse, not better. Either humanity has suddenly gotten a whole lot stupider or something else is going wrong.

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