I Hate Progressives Part 7

We’re up to part 7 of this look at the Progressive platform, as defined by the far-left idiots on the House of Representatives.  So far, I’ve detested every single one of them and this is no different. It’s not so much the idea on some, but how they want to carry it out.

Screw these idiots. They all need to go the hell away.

I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions.

Upholding the fundamental reproductive rights of all people.

I’m good with that to a reasonable level. The progressives, however, are often not reasonable. To be fair, neither are the far right, so it’s just a mess all the way down.

The simple reality is, everyone already has fundamental reproductive rights. What’s the one word that you will never hear from the lips of a progressive? RESPONSIBILITY!

Here’s the thing. My wife and I had as many kids as we wanted to have. How did we stop having kids? We took the responsibility and didn’t do it.  Everyone is responsible for their own bodies. It’s time the left figured that out.

Now absolutely, when it  comes to things like rape and incest, that’s a different matter, but voluntarily engaging in unprotected sex carries inherent risks. It just does. Now I’m not against abortion by any means and the current far-right debacle needs to stop, but the regressives want to swing it way back to an absurd amount the other way.

Screw them. That’s the one thing that the left has no respect for. Personal responsibility. They want everyone to kiss their ass and the government to hand out free money so they never have to take any responsibility for themselves.

Not just no. Hell no. Screw you idiots.

Keep in mind that I’m not on board with how a lot of people on the far-right operate either. A lot of the Holy Rollers think that breeding up a storm, whether you can afford to care for them or not, is your right, because “God will provide”.

Screw you. That’s right back to responsibility and neither extremes know what that word means. Either some magical man in the sky is going to make it all okay, or the government is going to swoop in to save the day.

Both are nonsense. Both sides need to take a long walk off a short pier, weighted down by concrete. I’m just sick of it.

3 thoughts on “I Hate Progressives Part 7”

  1. Exactly, in the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. If people (including me) would kick the person in the skirt/pants responsible for most of their troubles, they wouldn’t sit for a month. We must reject the idea that every time someone needs to be rescued society is guilty rather than the individual. The victim mindset is just horrible because it dilutes human potential.

    1. Agreed. People need to be responsible for themselves. That starts on day one. People need to stop pointing fingers and pretending other people are to blame for their troubles. The only one responsible is you. If other people get in your way, move them aside. It’s really as simple as that.

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