I Hate Progressives Part 6

Here goes part 6 for anyone who is keeping track. We’re just over half way through the first talking point and I haven’t seen one that I agreed with yet. It’s not enough to have a belief, you have to be able to support it with evidence and critical thinking and… yeah, both extremes are positively idiotic when it comes to their positions.

Let’s see if this one is any better.

I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions. Pretty much I’m going to repeat this every post because it’s a lot easier than having to find a new way to say it every other day.

Today’s talking point is:

Taking urgent, inclusive, and transformative action on climate change.

A lot of climate change claims are just nonsense though. That’s not a conspiracy-theorist position, it’s the truth. Of course, the far left isn’t interested in the truth. They just want emotional comfort, just like the religious do.

Now, does human activity affect the planet? Absolutely. Actions always have consequences and we should be aware of those consequences before we take the actions. However, both extremes have the same kind of problem. Both of them are only feeling and not thinking and they are trying to impose their beliefs on others without thinking any of it through.

Unfortunately, both sides have their own set of liars that everyone on that side buys into because it makes them feel good to be “right”. Both sides have their pat excuses for why the data doesn’t match what they’re claiming. Both sides have their orthodoxy and their “sky is falling” philosophy because how are they going to get attention without screaming loudly?

Ultimately, that’s what it’s all about: Attention. They’re going to tell you a bunch of stuff, true or not, and they want you to tell them how wonderful they are and to hand over your wallet to the cause because they always know best, right?

It reminds me of how they behaved when it was pointed out that global warming essentially stopped in 2000. Since then, it’s been at an equilibrium. Since then, they’ve been throwing around empty claims and excuses, hoping to keep getting your money because that’s what it’s always about. Money. They don’t want to save the Earth, they want to scam the gullible out of their money.

I’m not saying that we ignore it. We should take rational steps, not intended to enrich the grifters and not intended to punish the general public because the ivory tower leftists don’t understand how reality works. Take California right now. They want to phase out gas-powered vehicles by 2035. We already have the highest gas tax rate in the nation. I have a feeling that the legislation, if it survives for the next decade, is going to result in riots the second they try to implement it. They’re already pushing for bans or restrictions on different types of gasoline and there are a bunch of gas stations currently being built, to avoid future bans, which have to run the gamut of ludicrous regulatory restrictions because California Democrats don’t know how to live in the real world. If you want to see the poor walk away from the Democrats, just keep watching because it’s going to happen. These are not people who can afford to run out and buy a new, expensive electric car and that will be all that’s available. The price of gas, which is already absurdly high, will be unattainable because they are just punishing people.

Fuck the left.

7 thoughts on “I Hate Progressives Part 6”

  1. re: If you want to see the poor walk away from the Democrats, just keep watching because it’s going to happen.

    Unfortunately, you get a combination of economic hardship, disillusionment with both political systems, et.al. you often get fascism/ dictatorship. All it takes is persuasive rhetoric promising a brighter future (no specifics or details or track record required), vast demagoguery and boom: fascism/ dictatorship.


    Oh, and four out of four of my comments on your last YouTube post would *not post* (no matter the editing), after the first I posted. Must be in YouTube Gulag/ YouTube RE-education Camp.

    1. No clue, sorry. I’ll go look after this and see if there’s anything caught in YouTube comment jail, but I’m pretty sure there isn’t.

      The fact is, the law-abiding minorities don’t actually want the police defunded. They don’t want crime to be rampant. They realize that if people are regularly stealing from local stores, those stores are going to close up shop and they’ll have nowhere to shop. It’s the typically white, young, financially well-off leftist idiot who wants these things because they don’t actually care about minorities. They’ve certainly never talked to any of them. They only care about activism, which leads to nothing but failure.

  2. re: well-off leftists
    . . . Yeah, they would say the goal is to create more just and equitable systems that prioritize human well-being over punitive measures -BUT, just like the religious, that is simply a pile of words.

    To simply challenge existing power structures (for sport) and talk about unworkable ways to address social issues and “justice” is counterproductive.

    Activism for Activism is worthless. It is dodgy and disruptive and actually creates divisions and hinders dialogue/ progress.

    Activism is far too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising for sport. Honest people fight for something other than their own emotions and feelings.

    . . . .oh yeah, on your YouTube site, I get one post. I can’t even reply to you or to anyone else after that first post. I can just hit Thumbs UP only. Which is good but. . . .

    1. Activism, especially modern activism, done from the safety of a keyboard, is absolutely the refuge of the scoundrel. No risk, no effort, sit there and pretend you’re doing something useful when you’re actually not. It’s one thing if you’re willing to go out and put yourself in the potential line of fire, but they’re not willing to do that. It’s all done for looks, just like everything the religious do.

      They really aren’t any difference, are they?

      1. re: all done for looks, just like everything the religious do.✅

        No difference. . .and yeah, what possible purpose does this keyboard lashing-out serve? Will atheists be shamed into previous enthusiasm for evidence-free, non-demonstrable claims and assertions❓

        It is pure self-indulgence, even if they feel aggrieved. They need to judge their words by their usefulness to the cause of Truth (reality), not by their desire to vent.

        Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole. (I can’t say that over on YouTube and not be put in YouTube jail for some reason. Post non-PC comments, BOOM, banned from commenting for 24 hours. “This feature aims to curb toxic behavior.” Yeah, feature.

        I’m for truth, no matter who tells it, but people would rather believe than know. Whomever dares not offend cannot be honest.

        1. It’s just a way to feel like you’re doing something while doing absolutely nothing. Being a keyboard warrior is dumb, but consider who we’re talking about.

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