They’re the Racists and Sexists!

So this morning, someone posted on a woodworking forum on Reddit, asking about women and alphabet soup orientation woodworkers on YouTube.

I said what difference does it make? How does someone’s  gender or sexual orientation alter the quality of the work that they do?

That was when all hell broke loose. Big surprise there.

Granted, there are a lot of really good female makers on YouTube. I just don’t watch anyone based on what they’ve got between their legs and I don’t think you should either. Anyone who is judging content based on irrelevant characteristics has problems. Do I know if any of them are gay? No. Would I care if any of them are gay? No. It wouldn’t change anything for me. I only care if they are entertaining to watch.

So why are there so many people out there who do give a damn? Because I think there are a lot of outright racists and sexists out there, especially on the political extremes. On the left, you get people who will tell you, unironically, that they don’t want to watch straight white men because they are racist.

You don’t say. In fact, these days, I find many more racists on the left than I do on the right. It’s not even close. You will find tons of leftists openly racist against anyone who is white. They have no problem admitting it either. On the right, you still have some who are racist against anyone not-white. They don’t talk about it nearly as much as the idiots on the left.

Personally, I don’t find either position acceptable. Racism should simply cease to be. I don’t care about your skin color, I don’t care about your gender, I don’t care who you want to fuck. I care about the quality of your character and not your immutable physical characteristics.

I’ve said that to people on both extremes and you know which one complains the most? The left. It’s not even close. They will claim “they’re being held back!” Really? How so? Where is your data on that? Not the stuff that you cherry picked to get to the place you want to go, the actual, complete data? They don’t have it because they don’t care.

It’s like the whole “gender wage gap” thing that has been completely debunked forever. They don’t  care. It’s an ideological imperative so they’re going to believe the lies whether they are true or not. They don’t care about truth. Nobody cares about truth anymore. It’s no wonder the whole planet is as screwed up as it is.

Can someone stop this stupid planet? I really want to get off!

3 thoughts on “They’re the Racists and Sexists!”

  1. re: Do I know if any of them are gay? No. Would I care if any of them are gay? No. ✓

    —Absolutely, how could we even really know❓

    re: It wouldn’t change anything for me. ✓ —Again, absolutely.

    Oh, and this comment: @alisonmiller9938 I’m still looking for ANY rational Christians out there. Recently, I’ve been looking for rational theologians, since we all know that apologists are a waste of time, and am still coming up empty. Every list is filled with the same kind of people we’ve looked at, including Cornelius Van Til, G.K. Chesterton… I mean C.S. Lewis is on the list and he was one of the biggest wastes of time ever. I’ve seen Christians having to redefine rationality to have any hope of getting someone to fit. “It sounds good to me!” is not rational, yet that’s all that they have. These people are idiots.

    I tried to post this (below) like seven times. Just shows me it is there and then gone. . . . . Must be something I don’t know about the way YouTube Comments work.

    re: rational Christians❌ (or they would not be Christians❗); Cornelius Van Til❌; G.K. Chesterton❌; C.S. Lewis❌❌❌; redefine rationality🚫.

    Yeah, don’t wear yourself out looking, you already know what they have = “It sounds good to me!” If anyone ever finds anything, we will all know about it very quickly. As of now: Stories, it is all just stories.

    1. Why should we care? It doesn’t affect my life one bit if someone else is gay or straight or trans or whatever, unless I’m trying to date them, which I’m not. So what difference does it make? I don’t get it.

      I’m not wearing myself out over it, I don’t honestly expect to find anything, but the fact that I can’t find one… just one… tells me just how stupid religion actually is. It tells me just how terrible the religious epistemic position actually is, that they aren’t even trying to be rational. They have no interest whatsoever. It just proves, once again, that the vast majority of humans are idiots. I guess that’s not much of a surprise.

  2. re: It just proves, once again, that the vast majority of humans are idiots. . . . .Ha, ha, ha, ha.

    Look, it takes a lot of work to learn to walk upright and get down out of the trees, we are just getting started. The religious epistemic position is highly irrational but at this point Christianity is not a search for the truth. No religions are. They are defense mechanisms so you can stop searching for that hard road: truth, reality. It’s about comfort needs and security needs. It’s got nothing to do with searching for the truth. Otherwise, these folks would be out there questioning and probing and digging, but if any of them did that they’d be deconstructing their “faith” left, right and center. They know it is NOT objectively/ demonstrably true, they just don’t want to know what they already suspect.

    You nailed it so many times before: they want to just feel good, have comfort and have security (even if it is false) and you can’t have that if the Bible is just full of equally dated textual variants (which it is re: Protestants); the pope isn’t infallible when he speaks on official church matters (yeah, he is demonstrably highly fallible re: Catholics);;

    I’m sure you have seen that comic with the two lines and the two doors/ two signs. The one line is ten miles long and above it says: “Comforting Lies”; the other line has like three people in it and above its door it says: “Hard Truths.”

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