It’s All About Responsibility

I’m writing this on Friday, right after Thanksgiving, as my brother-in-law and best friend, who came for dinner and stayed the night, have now returned home. After he got there, my friend called me to talk and let me know he made it home safely, as apparently, my brother-in-law, who drove up, drives like a maniac.

So it got around to talking about his money problems, especially the fact that, he’s blaming his bank for not taking the mortgage money on time, and by the time they do, he’s already spent it.

Yeah, that’s not a good way to live life. Continue reading It’s All About Responsibility

Why I Don’t Care About Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I wasn’t going to respond to this at all and I think that by the end of this, you’ll understand why. Recently, Ayaan Hirsi Ali came out and claimed that she was a Christian, not for any good reason, not that I think she believes any of it, but by playing the part, she thinks she can achieve some political goals.

That, my friends, is just idiotic. Continue reading Why I Don’t Care About Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The Future of Film

I caught a video today by Chris Stuckmann on the future of film, at least his take. Now while I disagree with… most of it, but I figure I ought to talk about it because I think it is important, especially to show that people like Chris, who are entirely fanatical about movies, don’t really represent the actual issues facing modern day cinema.

So, there will be a link to the video below the fold if you want to watch it, but let’s get at it. Continue reading The Future of Film