Category Archives: Atheism

It’s No Better When You Do It!

I just finished writing a long video, and I don’t want to give anything away since it won’t appear on the channel for about 2.5 months, but I still wanted to talk about something that I have observed in the “atheist community” a lot. That is, the desire to decry the religious when they do an irrational thing and then, do the same irrational thing about non-religious subjects and be completely oblivious to it.

So let’s talk about it. Continue reading It’s No Better When You Do It!

That Doesn’t Make it Better!

There was a recent call over on The Line from a woman named Angel in Ireland and while the call wandered around a lot, there were two points that I wanted to touch on. First, she asked if every religion in the world became “extremely progressive” overnight, would Matt and Jimmy still fight against them, and secondly, when talking about skepticism, she kept insisting that she was open-minded, as if they were the same thing.

They are not. Matt and Jimmy gave their answers, but I’m going to give mine. Continue reading That Doesn’t Make it Better!

You Have to Start Somewhere

I’ve said for a long time that wanting everyone to be just like you are, that’s a recipe for disaster. It just starts echo chambers where no one can ever learn anything because everyone already believes the same thing.  I am not like that. I think it’s an unrealistic expectation, but recently, someone called me out on it and I wanted to respond.

So here we go. Continue reading You Have to Start Somewhere

deliberationunderidealcond5105 Debate Part 1

So I’m doing a blog debate with deliberationunderidealcond5105, which will be posted on both of our blogs. I explained that I just don’t do live debates, as I’ve spelled out time and time again on the YouTube channel, because I don’t find them to be worthwhile. There’s too much emphasis on “gotcha” and word games, plus the time constraints, so I just don’t do them.

This is also going to be posted on his blog, which you can find here. It’s being done specifically that way to prevent any hanky panky, not that I’m accusing him of doing so, but it’s always wise to do your due diligence.

This will be his opening statement and my response. No clue how often these will come out, whenever we get done, I suppose. It’s not like these things need to be a rush, it’s just two people hashing out points, and anyone who wishes to comment, please feel free to do so. Continue reading deliberationunderidealcond5105 Debate Part 1

Leftist Atheists Can’t Figure it Out

I keep running into this and I’ve been rolling my eyes so hard that I’m surprised they haven’t rolled right out of my head. I just keep seeing it in a lot of atheist videos I watch, where the atheist will criticize the religious for doing a thing, then turn right around and do that exact same thing with their own political beliefs.

It’s like they can’t look in the mirror, right? Continue reading Leftist Atheists Can’t Figure it Out

Atheists Aren’t That Bright Either

I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but someone on Reddit posted, complaining that somehow, “male atheists were driving away female atheists” and it’s all the fault of men.

I pointed out that there simply aren’t as many female atheists as there are male. That started a shit show, even though it is demonstrably true, because these people are idiots.

What else is new? Continue reading Atheists Aren’t That Bright Either

Why I Don’t Care About Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I wasn’t going to respond to this at all and I think that by the end of this, you’ll understand why. Recently, Ayaan Hirsi Ali came out and claimed that she was a Christian, not for any good reason, not that I think she believes any of it, but by playing the part, she thinks she can achieve some political goals.

That, my friends, is just idiotic. Continue reading Why I Don’t Care About Ayaan Hirsi Ali