Tag Archives: faith

It’s No Better When You Do It!

I just finished writing a long video, and I don’t want to give anything away since it won’t appear on the channel for about 2.5 months, but I still wanted to talk about something that I have observed in the “atheist community” a lot. That is, the desire to decry the religious when they do an irrational thing and then, do the same irrational thing about non-religious subjects and be completely oblivious to it.

So let’s talk about it. Continue reading It’s No Better When You Do It!

Someone Else Who Doesn’t Understand Morality

I had another short discussion with someone on Reddit, who was claiming that philosophical concepts that are true can be defensible with science. His example, of course, was morality and he was trying to use Sam Harris’ Moral Landscape as his defense.

Sorry, I disagree entirely with Harris. We got into it. As is no surprise, after a dozen or so exchanges, he just ran away. What else is new? Continue reading Someone Else Who Doesn’t Understand Morality

The Fundamental Disconnect

There is one problem that the religious almost always seem to have and that is “everyone is just like I am!” We have a lot of discussions, but almost no theist can ever get past that stumbling block.

I’m in the middle of a discussion with a theist, who thinks they are defending God, but only by starting with all of the standard assumptions that Christians have, that God is real and has all of the characteristics that traditional Christianity, in this case, Catholicism, says that he does.

Sorry, you’re going to have to walk us through all of the steps to prove that. I don’t think the theist is going to do well. Continue reading The Fundamental Disconnect

The Fallacy of Faith

I just got done talking to another theist and, as expected, it didn’t go well. The second they get backed into the wall or their core beliefs are questioned, off into the hills they run. What else is new?

Yet we all see this all the time, right? How many theists have you talked to that could communicate in a rational, evidence-based way about their beliefs? None? That’s pretty typical. So let’s get into it.

Continue reading The Fallacy of Faith