The Religious Have no Clue!

So, today I posted part two of a video and over on BitChute, some crazy theist popped up and started making absurd accusations.

This is hardly the first time it’s happened, this guy is out of his mind, but I find it funny just how badly these people fail. So let’s go take a look at it, shall we?The video in question is right here so you can see what’s been said. At least as of when I write this, he hasn’t come back to respond again but who knows if he will. I wouldn’t be surprised because that’s the way these people tend to work.

This guy shows up and starts accusing me of ignoring the “evidence” for Christianity. Well what evidence is that, I ask. You know, the “evidence”!The evidence that apparently, they think absolutely everyone already knows about and is purposely ignoring because… reasons.

Of course, this is nothing new. The religious have been trying this crap for centuries. Everyone knows that God is real. The Bible says so! Just read Romans 1:20! Never mind the fact that’s blatantly untrue and the Bible is just wrong, they can’t get that part through their tiny little minds and thus, I’ve got to be emphatic about it.

Keep in mind this isn’t my first go-around with this idiot. He’s popped up in lots of videos saying effectively the same thing and the moment he gets backed into a corner, he throws insults and runs away. What else is he supposed to do? He certainly has nothing to present, after all. It’s just a joke.

That’s why I started telling him to put up or shut up. I’ve seen no evidence. If he thinks such things exist, he ought to be prepared to put his claim on the line. After all, I can play the Bible game too. 1 Peter 3:15 says “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. ” Great. Go ahead. Let’s see what you’ve got!

Except the religious never have anything. These people don’t have a clue what evidence is. Therefore, let’s help them out. Evidence, according to the dictionary, is “the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid”. Let’s read that carefully. Facts. Information. Things that indicate whether a proposition is true or valid. Christians don’t have anything like that.

Instead, they have blind faith. This guy complains that I accuse him of the demonstrable truth. We can go back to the Bible and look at Hebrews 11:1 to see how the Bible defines faith. It’s completely blind. They have feelings. They have wishes and dreams. The one thing they don’t have is evidence. They have no facts. They have no information. They have nothing which can demonstrate. to a skeptic, that their beliefs are true or valid. Therefore, I’m entirely correct. They’ve got nothing.

They don’t happen to like that much. Reality is beneath them. The truth is what they want it to be because their entire lives are spent in pursuit of emotional comfort, not an objectively demonstrable conformity with the real world we all share. Who the hell wants that? Oh right, rational people.

It’s why it’s so difficult to have an intelligent conversation with the religious because this is usually the best they can do. Empty claims, based on blind faith for emotional comfort. That’s all they’ve got. Welcome to religion, folks. The more they open their mouths, the more ridiculous they sound and they mostly don’t care.

I have no doubt that this jackass is going to run away from the challenge and then, in another week or so, he’ll be back on another video making the exact same claims, not having learned a thing. They’re simply not interested in coming to rational conclusions. As Meir Ezra once said, “Can you change your mind? If you cannot, it’s not you doing the thinking. You’ve adopted someone else’s viewpoint.”

It’s how religion works. It’s just turning off your brain and following the leader down the rabbit hole. It’s no wonder why these people are so stupid. They do it to themselves.

One thought on “The Religious Have no Clue!”

  1. Couldn’t have said it better. I’m right and you’re wrong just because I said so. I can’t stand these mental midgets. Nothing but cultists.

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