The Absurd Hypocritical Nature of the Left

Here’s something that I’ve noticed a lot lately and it goes a long way to showing just how clueless the political left actually are.

Now granted, the right aren’t much better at the moment, showing that the extremes on both sides need some serious professional help, but while the religious right is absurd, at least they have a memory longer than a goldfish

I’ve seen a lot of people on the political left screaming how terrible it is that a lot of loud right-wing lunatics are screaming that Biden isn’t really President and that somehow, Biden stole the election. How dare they!

Yeah, because we didn’t just go through four years of leftist idiots doing the exact same thing with Trump, right? I could go through video after video of leftist lunatics screaming and crying and denying that Trump had been elected legitimately, that he’d somehow bought the election, that he’d fraudulently denied Hillary Clinton her shot because she was a woman, etc. This was everywhere, on every mainstream media source, for years.

Except you were idiots then, just like the far right are idiots today. Both sides were and are undeniably wrong, yet the left can’t remember any of that today. They’ve memory-holed it. It doesn’t exist anymore because if they admitted that they’d done it too, it would lend legitimacy to the actions of the right.

Personally, I think both sides suck.

Of course, this is hardly the only example of this that we can provide. Every time the right performs some small act of violence, and none are acceptable, let’s be right up front about that, the left screams and cries and entirely forgets that it was their side that held entire cities hostage for months on end and caused the greatest financial harm to this country in the history of its existence.

But that doesn’t count, right? That’s social justice! What the right is doing is terrorism! Yeah, fuck you.

While I personally think that everything the religious right are doing around the manufactured cult of Donald Trump, the simple fact is, the damage they’ve done is nothing compared to what the regressives are guilty of. I never had businesses close down, terrified that the Republicans were going to come by and burn them down. That happened with the Democrats. That’s not an excuse for either side but it happens to be the truth. It doesn’t matter what anyone believes, it matters what they can prove and neither side is at all good at trotting out evidence.

This is where things get so hypocritical on the left. The right isn’t blameless by any means, but at least they can remember farther back in time than last week. The left seems to have a mighty convenient memory, if it doesn’t help them right now, they can’t possibly recall it. For all of the stupid stuff the religious are doing right now, the leftists are far, far worse. I haven’t seen anyone on the right trying to cancel or financially harm their detractors on the left. That’s just cancel culture for the progressives though.

Fuck every single one of them.

This is not how politics is supposed to work. There is supposed to be compromise and multiple people coming together to work for the good of the American people. The left hates America. They want to see it fall. I’ve seen liberals celebrating the coming of COVID because America is getting what it deserves.

Screw those people too. So long as it’s two sides clawing at each other’s throats, we’re not going to get anywhere. I’m not saying the right is doing a good job, I think they’re terrible but the left is definitely worse. They can’t even be honest about it. They’re trying to pretend to have the moral high ground when they were guilty of all of this long before anyone else. But it would take some guts for them to be honest and I don’t thing the political left has a solid bone in it’s collective body.

Maybe it’s time for everyone to just grow up and stop pointing fingers. You’re all guilty. Now shut the hell up and let America be great again. You’re not helping.

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