I Hate Progressives Part 3

Back again, I think I’m going to post these Monday, Wednesday and Friday until they run out, which is going to be a couple of weeks. That way, I can post other things if I decide to without doubling up. So here we go for part 3 of why I hate progressive politics because their talking points are just idiotic. Without further ado then, let’s get into it.

I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, I hate the sin and not the sinner, just because I have to keep making that clear, otherwise people will rant incoherently in the comments.

Ending poverty and income inequality and securing a living wage for all people.

Here’s where the lies start, although honestly, it’s all lies. They don’t actually want to end poverty or any kind of inequality because if they did that, there goes all of their political talking points. They depend on those things, just like the far right depends on claims of religious discrimination. Neither will ever do anything to bring them to an end or they’re doomed.

We can see what happens when they try to do something like this, because in California, they recently pushed fast-food workers to a minimum wage of $20 an hour. Immediately, half the restaurants laid off most of their staff, prices at fast food restaurants skyrocketed to the point that going to a sit-down restaurant costs less and now, a lot of restaurants are putting in ordering kiosks so they can fire all of their counter staff. Fast food employment plummeted, like anyone with a brain said would happen all along because we know how reality works. Sure, they can get paid $20 an hour but most of them are now out of work. Good riddance to them.

See, here’s the real problem, and I know it’s not the fault of the current crop, but back in the day, working fast food, or most retail jobs, was reserved for high school students. You worked minimum wage unless you got raises for merit, but it didn’t matter because these people had parents that paid almost all of their bills. This was just pocket money and a way for them to learn how to budget for the things that they wanted.

Fast forward to today and companies no longer want high school students, they’ve got a near endless supply of stupid people who can’t find a decent-paying job because they don’t have a brain in their heads. We’re talking about people with gender studies degrees and the like, who now can’t find work because they were idiots. Now they’ve got student loan debt to pay and they have all of the bills of an adult, without actually being an adult. They have never earned their way to a “living wage” but they want one anyhow.

But see, that was the whole point of learning when you were young when you didn’t need to take on all of those big-time expenses. You learned to be responsible, you developed a work ethic, you learned how to deal with other people. That was the entire point of it. Today though, I can’t tell you how many ostensible adults that I run into who have no clue how to treat others. If I owned any of these companies, I’d fire them all. They have no idea what customer service is. They’re just assholes in a stupid hat who will never get promoted because they can hardly dress themselves in the morning.

Then, the stupid liberal government feels bad for them and tries to jack up their income and winds up costing most of them jobs. Sorry if I’m not at all sorry for them. They’ve brought it on themselves.

Now granted, as I said, it wasn’t their fault that society changed. That was their parents’ fault. It’s the idiot helicopter parents that screwed their kids up by not holding them accountable, not insisting they learned responsibility, told them that they didn’t have to have a job until they graduated from college with their stupid, worthless degrees and now, those kids are sitting there without a thing in their heads, tons of college debt and nobody wants to hire them because they haven’t learned the basics yet.

I’ll be honest, if someone comes to me for a job with a degree, even a prestigious degree, but they have no actual work experience, I don’t want them. They haven’t proven that they can do the job. They might have the technical knowledge, but there is more to working than having technical knowledge. I’ve tried and every single instance where they couldn’t show that they’d learned a work ethic or how to treat people, it’s ended disastrously. Show me that you can handle yourself in the real world and most of these people can’t.

There are plenty of people who have those very same degrees, but they’ve also worked, even if it was a summer job. They can come in, be polite, show that they know how to talk to clients, show that they can come in on time, put in a day’s hard work, go above and beyond the call of duty without complaint and be reliable, day in and day out. Those are the people that most employers want, not the idiots with no social sense, have green hair, who are talking about DEI and whining about their pronouns. Those are the people who are going to go far.

Fuck the rest. I have no sympathy for the stupid. You shouldn’t either. These people have made their beds, I think it’s time to lie in them. Maybe they’ll have time to wonder where it all went wrong, because it’s their fault and their parents. It is not society’s. Fuck the progressives. These people need to grow up.

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