I Hate Progressives Part 1

In a recent post, I said that I was going to do a series of posts on why I really dislike progressive political points. It’s not that I hate the people necessarily, just what the people believe. Hate the sin, love the sinner, although a lot of these people make it really hard to love them because they’re just assholes.

So let’s get to the first point.

I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to encourage people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions.

There are really four major points and a lot of subpoints listed, but for the first one, “Advancing justice, dignity, and peace for all. “, I am going to go with all of the subpoints because each of them are… bad.

Realizing the goal of a universal, high-quality, Medicare For All health care system for all.

In other words, more free stuff. This is just the party trying to buy loyalty from the people, but everything costs money. Who pays? Think about it and I think you’ll figure that out. The problem is that the far left realized that they can get into office by pandering to people who are not useful, productive members of society. They only care about warm bodies, not a healthy society. The government can just print money, throw it at people as a bribe and drive us all into the kind of economic decline with mass inflation that we’ve seen ever since that fucktard Biden got into office. I knew exactly what was going to happen because it happens every time a far left politician gets into the White House. So no, hard pass on that. Let’s just hold people accountable. we can provide help where absolutely necessary, but just throwing around money that people haven’t earned, hell no.

This is where you get a lot of people on the far left, and I’m not saying that the Progressive Caucus necessarily agrees with this, I’m just using their site for the talking points, but this is where we see a lot of people pushing for universal basic income. The government just sends you a bunch of money and if you want more, only then do you have to go out and get a job. Again, where does the government get this money? Oh, they just print it and we all wind up with runaway inflation and the economy implodes. Nobody actually does a UBI these days, although both Iran and Mongolia tried it once, it failed, and neither country is remotely a financial powerhouse, are they? I bring this up here, although it is probably going to apply to a lot of these posts, because the far left is entirely out of touch with actual reality. They, like a lot of religious people, just really want to believe that mama government will take care of everything and they don’t have to worry about it. That’s because they don’t understand how reality works. That seems to be the problem with the entire progressive left. They have no clue.

In order to get any of these things remotely on the table, you would have to entirely eliminate democracy, capitalism, pretty much anything that makes the western world work. That’s why so many far leftists are out-and-out communists, and sorry, communism has never worked anywhere, ever. It entirely ignores how humans work. The only systems that do demonstrably work are the ones that the far left despises. They’re the ones that require hard work and individual responsibility, which is what they are desperately trying to get away from.

Big surprise there.

5 thoughts on “I Hate Progressives Part 1”

  1. re: Where does the government get this money? Oh, they just print it and we all wind up with runaway inflation✅ and the economy implodes.✅

    The govt. can only give you what it takes from you minus a huge handling fee.

    re: The ones that require hard work and individual responsibility, which is what they are desperately trying to get away from.✅

    1. It would be nice if that’s what happened, but we all know it doesn’t. The government has been printing additional money like crazy and they wonder why the economy looks like it looks today.

      1. Well, eventually, as this spiral continues, it leads to hyperinflation. As you know, then the value of the currency plunges. People and nations start to bypass our currency and citizens lose all confidence in the currency, and thus economic stability is severely compromised. Inflation will always act as another tax on citizens. Hyperinflation causes widespread suffering and reveals the true nature of the underlying crises but by then it is too late. It’s a stark reminder of the importance of sound economic policies and stability (-which will never happen because you can’t win elections that way).

        1. Which is why Biden is going to have to start doing something about the economy because otherwise, he’s toast. I hope he is anyhow, but he did it to himself. Right now, 6-month CD rates aren’t half bad. Our financial adviser just put a bunch of money into CDs, money we weren’t doing anything with anyhow, and we’re getting a pretty decent ROI off of it.

          1. re: I hope he is anyhow, but he did it to himself. ✅Exactly

            re: Right now, 6-month CD rates aren’t half bad. ✅True . . . .At least keeping up -somewhat- with inflation.

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