Tag Archives: religion

Leftist Atheists Can’t Figure it Out

I keep running into this and I’ve been rolling my eyes so hard that I’m surprised they haven’t rolled right out of my head. I just keep seeing it in a lot of atheist videos I watch, where the atheist will criticize the religious for doing a thing, then turn right around and do that exact same thing with their own political beliefs.

It’s like they can’t look in the mirror, right? Continue reading Leftist Atheists Can’t Figure it Out

This Never Goes Anywhere

So anyhow, this kind of devolved on Reddit, where there was a thread where someone made some claims that atheists were all the same and you could tell a lot of things about atheists, simply because we all had the same “atheist worldview”.
It didn’t go well, as you can imagine. This has kind of turned into one theist completely discrediting everything that he claimed and everyone else laughing at him. He said that he could tell me details about what I did or what I supported, just based on the fact that I was an atheist. So let’s take a look at some of the selected snippets, since the discussion isn’t done yet, but I wanted to get this down before he invariably deleted his account and ran for the hills.

Continue reading This Never Goes Anywhere

The Fundamental Disconnect

There is one problem that the religious almost always seem to have and that is “everyone is just like I am!” We have a lot of discussions, but almost no theist can ever get past that stumbling block.

I’m in the middle of a discussion with a theist, who thinks they are defending God, but only by starting with all of the standard assumptions that Christians have, that God is real and has all of the characteristics that traditional Christianity, in this case, Catholicism, says that he does.

Sorry, you’re going to have to walk us through all of the steps to prove that. I don’t think the theist is going to do well. Continue reading The Fundamental Disconnect

Getting Rid of Religion Won’t Solve Problems

So there was a recent survey done by the Barna Group, a Christian research organization, which shows that Christianity is in dire straights indeed.

Mindshift did a pretty decent video on it, so I’ll link that below, and the suggestion that I’ve seen on the new research has been largely positive. That things will improve dramatically, as religion dies in the west.

I’m not so sure that’s true though. Here’s why. Continue reading Getting Rid of Religion Won’t Solve Problems

The Fallacy of Faith

I just got done talking to another theist and, as expected, it didn’t go well. The second they get backed into the wall or their core beliefs are questioned, off into the hills they run. What else is new?

Yet we all see this all the time, right? How many theists have you talked to that could communicate in a rational, evidence-based way about their beliefs? None? That’s pretty typical. So let’s get into it.

Continue reading The Fallacy of Faith

They Keep Making My Point

So this showed up on Reddit multiple times yesterday and the second it popped up, the second that I saw it, the wheels started to turn because what you see here, we see it in a lot of places these days entirely beyond religion.

Yes, this is another case where the political left are doing the exact same thing as the religious right. Why is that not a surprise? Continue reading They Keep Making My Point

Culture Doesn’t Matter Either

I’ve been seeing a lot of atheists online saying this lately and, sadly, they’re just wrong. Culture doesn’t matter. Just because you grow up in a particular culture, that doesn’t make that culture magically true, relevant, or anything else. Just because you’re emotionally comforted by your culture, that doesn’t matter, any more than being emotionally comforted by your religion does.

Rent a clue and join actual reality. Continue reading Culture Doesn’t Matter Either

Why Can’t the Religious Stop?

A couple of weeks ago, we went to a memorial service for my father-in-law. He’s been dead for a number of months, but his friends wanted to get together and have a ceremony for him and we sat there, up front.

Even though they acknowledged that my wife’s father was not, in any way, religious, the people running it insisted on shoving religion into it in every conceivable way.

How about no? Continue reading Why Can’t the Religious Stop?