Ran into another video today by A.B. Higashi, who is kind of in the Dan McClellan camp of an expert who isn’t necessarily on-board with all of the religious claims, and he put out a video on “how do we know Paul was real?”
I’ve kind of addressed this before in videos, but I wanted to do so again today. So see you below the fold. Continue reading Here’s Why I Don’t Buy the Criteria →
This is not remotely the first time I’ve seen it, but yesterday, it really hit home just how pathetic a lot of atheists are when it comes to Jesus mythicism. Remember, I am not stating that no Jesus ever existed, I simply point out that we have no evidence whatsoever for any real Jesus, such that even if there was a real Jesus, we couldn’t say anything demonstrably real about him.
But come on, this is ridiculous and it happens all the time! Continue reading Anti-Mythicists Are Pathetic. →
I get asked this a lot because I choose to identify as a mythicist, even though I am not what a lot of people think of when they consider the mythicist position. Maybe I shouldn’t be using the term, but I’ll explain below why I do it and why I don’t really have a horse in this race.
There was another video put up with Paulogia and Matt Dillahunty and I think it’s time I explained it, once and for all. I’ll see you below the fold. Continue reading Did Jesus Exist? →
Just had another “fun” debate with a theist over “evidence” and it’s really clear that they have no clue what they’re talking about. Oh, he claimed to be knowledgeable about modern historical methods, but clearly, that wasn’t how it worked out.
So let’s dive into it. This was hysterical to watch. Continue reading They Still Don’t Get Evidence! →
This comes up a lot and I went and answered a question posed over on the MythVision YouTube channel today that asked if I believed that Jesus was real.
I don’t know. Define your terms first! Continue reading Was Jesus a Myth? →
I recently did a video response on Mike Licona where he tries to argue that Paul actually matters in the Bible. I agree with him, Paul does matter, just as every other writer in the Bible, but not for the same reasons he thinks. You need to establish a real, historical Paul so that you can objectively and independently verify that the events recorded in the Bible actually happened.
And unfortunately for the religious, you simply can’t do any of that. Continue reading Why Paul is Important →
Exposing Stupidity Wherever it Hides