Here goes part 6 for anyone who is keeping track. We’re just over half way through the first talking point and I haven’t seen one that I agreed with yet. It’s not enough to have a belief, you have to be able to support it with evidence and critical thinking and… yeah, both extremes are positively idiotic when it comes to their positions.
This is going to be a quick one because there isn’t a lot to say. I watched a couple of videos today on being critical of feminism and the far left, but in so doing, every single one of them pushed a far-right, hyper-Christian position.
Honestly, can’t people just be critical of bad ideas without expressing other bad ideas? Is that so hard? Continue reading I Just Can’t→
Back for part 5 and this looks like it’ll run close to 20 parts, so be prepared. Every point on the list, and I’ll link to where I’m getting it below the fold, I’m going to handle individually because there really isn’t much, if anything, on the progressive platform that I have any interest in whatsoever. If anyone wants to defend it in the comments, please feel free. Don’t do so by attacking what you imagine my positions to be, because you’re probably going to be wrong. Actually defend your side, with evidence. I doubt we’ll see any of that. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 5→
Back again, I think I’m going to post these Monday, Wednesday and Friday until they run out, which is going to be a couple of weeks. That way, I can post other things if I decide to without doubling up. So here we go for part 3 of why I hate progressive politics because their talking points are just idiotic. Without further ado then, let’s get into it. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 3→
So this popped up on Reddit and when a bunch of Christians started posting in the comments, we got a bunch of leftists entirely ignoring what their own side does. What else is new, right? Continue reading More of the Same→
Welcome to part 2 of “I hate progressives”, where I have to remind people that I don’t necessarily hate the people, although there are plenty of assholes on all sides of the political aisle, and only the ideas that they have. This was spurred by a call into The Line, which I responded to a couple of posts ago, but this was just too massive a topic to engage with any other way. So let’s get back to it. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 2→
In a recent post, I said that I was going to do a series of posts on why I really dislike progressive political points. It’s not that I hate the people necessarily, just what the people believe. Hate the sin, love the sinner, although a lot of these people make it really hard to love them because they’re just assholes.
There was a recent call over on The Line from a woman named Angel in Ireland and while the call wandered around a lot, there were two points that I wanted to touch on. First, she asked if every religion in the world became “extremely progressive” overnight, would Matt and Jimmy still fight against them, and secondly, when talking about skepticism, she kept insisting that she was open-minded, as if they were the same thing.
Not that it’s any surprise, but here we go again. Rationality Rules made a video, which, absolutely is true for what it’s doing, but he completely ignores the fact that his own political ideology does exactly the same thing. He can’t acknowledge that, can he? He can’t even see it happening.
I keep running into this and I’ve been rolling my eyes so hard that I’m surprised they haven’t rolled right out of my head. I just keep seeing it in a lot of atheist videos I watch, where the atheist will criticize the religious for doing a thing, then turn right around and do that exact same thing with their own political beliefs.