More of the Same

So this popped up on Reddit and when a bunch of Christians started posting in the comments, we got a bunch of leftists entirely ignoring what their own side does. What else is new, right?

I didn’t catch a lot of what happened thereafter, so forgive me if I missed something, but some of the comments that I saw left on that came from the religious, including the expected “Hitler did nothing wrong” stuff which you just kind of expect anymore. It was posted as a way to complain about the religious right, which granted, deserves all the criticism that it gets, but it ended up being hypocritical in the end.

The problem is, they don’t know how to look at what their own side is doing and recognize that they are doing the exact same thing. I can come up with dozens of pictures of children pushing far-left agendas, but I think that one will suffice. They will complain about the religious setting up their kids for a photo op, but then they do the exact same thing with their own. The word we’re looking for here is hypocrisy. They just can’t figure it out.

Here’s one I always love:

Yes, why don’t we let kids be kids and not shills for your political or religious nonsense? Wouldn’t that be nice? Because little kids don’t voluntarily go out and make signs and hold them up in front of a camera unless their parents tell them to. You’re not going to see people on the left decrying it when their side does it, any more than you will see people on the right doing it for their own side. Yet I don’t see the crazies on the far right screaming insults at the people on the left over it, whereas I see exactly that the other way around.

You get people complaining about this, and for good reason:

But they won’t mention this at all:

This is the kind of thing that I’m talking about and both sides do it, yet both sides also act like all of the problems are on the other side. It’s really hard to watch a YouTube video these days where they drift into politics and the hypocrisy comes on strong because their own side, the one they are trying to push, is every bit as guilty.

How about we just leave the kids alone? That became a thing a couple of months ago and it’s still every bit as true today. Stop using kids as props for your idiotic campaigns. Or how about this one? Stop filling their heads with your bullshit. That’s a little harder for people to swallow, but how about we just let kids be kids without the rainbow flags and the Christian rhetoric? Give that one a shot, won’t you?

Of course, none of them will. They will just continue to be hypocrites and I’ll keep pointing it all out, because these people are idiots. I am ever so sick of idiots, aren’t you?

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