This is going to be a quick one, but earlier today, someone asked a quick science question and I provided an accurate answer. They didn’t like it much.
The question was, “if suddenly, all time stopped, but you were the only thing unaffected, what would happen?”
This popped up today and I just had to talk about it. I’m not saying that all of them are especially egregious, but in my experience, a fair number of them are.
Over on Reddit, on a generally unrelated post, someone said that they knew that no gods were real. I asked him how he knew. It didn’t go well for him.
In fact, I had two very similar discussions and since I can’t be bothered to go back and separate them, I figure I’ll just lump the various dumb claims together. It doesn’t matter anyhow. Continue reading Gnostic Atheists are Idiots Too!→
I’ve been doing a lot of re-evaluating lately, especially the social media that I consume. I’ve always recognized that there were problems with the YouTube channels that I watched and the social media platforms I perused because most of them are very openly biased. They have views that aren’t especially honest. They are based, in one way or another, on what they really want to be true.
The more I talk to atheists, the dumber a lot of them are. Yes, I said atheists. Just because you reject belief in a god, that doesn’t necessarily make you a rational individual.
That happened again today, so I wanted to take a couple of minutes to explain. This is not at all unusual. These people really have no clue what they’re doing wrong. Continue reading Atheists Aren’t Much Smarter→
Just had another “fun” debate with a theist over “evidence” and it’s really clear that they have no clue what they’re talking about. Oh, he claimed to be knowledgeable about modern historical methods, but clearly, that wasn’t how it worked out.
I was just having a conversation with someone who is convinced that the Dunning-Kruger effect does not accurately describe how things work in the real world. He went back and pointed out the original paper, written by David Dunning and Justin Kruger, which showed that while poor performers on tests did overestimate their own performance, it wasn’t the standard graph that we see all the time.
That is true, although David Dunning later published another study which got a lot closer to the common graph. So is the classical graph really accurate? Let’s talk about it. Continue reading Understanding the Dunning-Kruger Effect→
I’m going to take an entirely irrelevant example that I came across on Reddit to show just what is wrong with humanity. I trust nobody is going to be surprised in the end. This is a completely throw-away example, but I think it illustrates the point.
This is a case that I just ran into, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. I just don’t want people to accuse me of being against religion per se or against politics per se. I am against stupidity, full stop.
It’s really sad how many examples of this I can come up with, but Rationality Rules does it again. The video is linked below, it’s long, so you can watch it or not at your leisure, but it’s just one more place where you get a leftist who points at the Christian, accuses them of being wrong and then goes on to do the exact same thing on their own side.
This showed up on my YouTube channel recently and played out over a couple of days, but now, I’m just over it and see no reason to continue. That doesn’t mean I can’t point out all of the places that the poster went wrong.