Category Archives: Atheism

Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

I ran into a thread on Reddit today, where they were talking about atheists who are conservative, because they couldn’t imagine how anyone who was intelligent, educated and non-religious could identify that way.

Well, once upon a time, I identified that way, at least in a limited fashion, so I read through it and found that it was mostly people who were talking out of their own asses.

Somehow, that is not at all surprising. Continue reading Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

This Never Goes Anywhere

So anyhow, this kind of devolved on Reddit, where there was a thread where someone made some claims that atheists were all the same and you could tell a lot of things about atheists, simply because we all had the same “atheist worldview”.
It didn’t go well, as you can imagine. This has kind of turned into one theist completely discrediting everything that he claimed and everyone else laughing at him. He said that he could tell me details about what I did or what I supported, just based on the fact that I was an atheist. So let’s take a look at some of the selected snippets, since the discussion isn’t done yet, but I wanted to get this down before he invariably deleted his account and ran for the hills.

Continue reading This Never Goes Anywhere

The Fundamental Disconnect

There is one problem that the religious almost always seem to have and that is “everyone is just like I am!” We have a lot of discussions, but almost no theist can ever get past that stumbling block.

I’m in the middle of a discussion with a theist, who thinks they are defending God, but only by starting with all of the standard assumptions that Christians have, that God is real and has all of the characteristics that traditional Christianity, in this case, Catholicism, says that he does.

Sorry, you’re going to have to walk us through all of the steps to prove that. I don’t think the theist is going to do well. Continue reading The Fundamental Disconnect

Gnostic Atheists are Idiots Too!

This popped up today and I just had to talk about it. I’m not saying that all of them are especially egregious, but in my experience, a fair number of them are.

Over on Reddit, on a generally unrelated post, someone said that they knew that no gods were real. I asked him how he knew. It didn’t  go well for him.

In fact, I had two very similar discussions and since I can’t be bothered to go back and separate them, I figure I’ll just lump the various dumb claims together. It doesn’t matter anyhow. Continue reading Gnostic Atheists are Idiots Too!

Tired of Unjustified Bias

I’ve been doing a lot of re-evaluating lately, especially the social media that I consume. I’ve always recognized that there were problems with the YouTube channels that I watched and the social media platforms I perused because most of them are very openly biased. They have views that aren’t especially honest. They are based, in one way or another, on what they really want to be true.

I want to change it but I don’t know that I have a lot of options. Continue reading Tired of Unjustified Bias

Lawyers are just Actors

There’s a theist over on the channel, as usual, making all kinds of accusations and pretty much following the standard religious party line. You know, “I’m not here to debate” and “we have evidence!” and all that.

I was thinking about where he was going to go next. These people are almost always very predictable. I’ve already tentatively taken on faith and the Bible, although there’s plenty of work still to do if he decides to go that way, but I was also wondering how long it would be before he reached “we have eyewitnesses!”

That’s what I want to talk about today. Continue reading Lawyers are just Actors

Atheists Aren’t Much Smarter

The more I talk to atheists, the dumber a lot of them are. Yes, I said atheists. Just because you reject belief in a god, that doesn’t necessarily make you a rational individual.

That happened again today, so I wanted to take a couple of minutes to explain. This is not at all unusual. These people really have no clue what they’re doing wrong. Continue reading Atheists Aren’t Much Smarter

Getting Rid of Religion Won’t Solve Problems

So there was a recent survey done by the Barna Group, a Christian research organization, which shows that Christianity is in dire straights indeed.

Mindshift did a pretty decent video on it, so I’ll link that below, and the suggestion that I’ve seen on the new research has been largely positive. That things will improve dramatically, as religion dies in the west.

I’m not so sure that’s true though. Here’s why. Continue reading Getting Rid of Religion Won’t Solve Problems

Did Jesus Exist?

I get asked this a lot because I choose to identify as a mythicist, even though I am not what a lot of people think of when they consider the mythicist position. Maybe I shouldn’t be using the term, but I’ll explain below why I do it and why I don’t really have a horse in this race.

There was another video put up with Paulogia and Matt Dillahunty and I think it’s time I explained it, once and for all. I’ll see you below the fold. Continue reading Did Jesus Exist?