Why I Really Hate Both Sides

This goes for both sides of just about any issue these days, although it’s most easily seen at the extremes. They are all doing the same thing, pretty much for the same reasons, then pointing fingers at everyone else and calling them hypocrites.

Sorry, I think you’re all assholes. You have to come and join reality. What you’re doing right now is anything but.

I just ran into this again, which is why I’m writing this post, but YouTube, as should be obvious, is a complete disaster for this. It’s groups pandering to their own sides, specifically so they don’t have to justify anything. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about politics or religion or philosophy or anything else, people are stupid and lazy and taking their own preconceived notions, assuming they must be true, and then operating as though they are so they can use them as a bludgeon against anyone they disagree with.

There was a call on The Line that popped up in my feed, where the theist essentially said “of course I’m right, and because I’m right, that makes anyone who disagrees with me automatically wrong!” Matt pointed out how stupid that was, but he does the exact same thing when it comes to politics and social issues. He just asserts that he’s right because it feels good to him, therefore anyone who disagrees is automatically wrong and he doesn’t even have to try to defend his own views or disprove the positions of others. He’s right because he’s right. He’s said he won’t even knowingly be in the same room as a conservative, he’s so extreme. Sorry, that just makes him an asshole.

Same thing brought about this article because a hard-right conservative commenter popped up in the sidebar, someone that I had blocked because I think he’s a prick, but YouTube doesn’t listen to “don’t show me this crap anymore” very well. He has very staunch views and they are automatically right, so anyone who disagrees is automatically wrong, so there. Lather, rinse, repeat. If you can’t justify your own views, then your views aren’t worth anything, are they?

Everything that I say, I can back up with evidence and argumentation. All of it. I don’t say it otherwise. I don’t believe it otherwise. I might not be perfect at it, but if I find a position, any position, which I cannot rationally justify in some way, I stop believing it. I don’t want unjustified nonsense in my head. I’ve thought about all of this stuff and most of these people just don’t want to. Thinking is hard. Too bad. Grow up and do it anyhow.

I don’t want to be part of an echo chamber. I want to be around people who have taken as much time and effort justifying their beliefs as I have. If I’m watching a YouTube video for entertainment, or let’s be honest, as a time waster because I’m bored, I don’t want “I’m right, so there!” I want intelligent discourse, based on objective evidence and rational consideration and nobody does that anymore. If someone does it on one thing, which I think people like Matt Dillahunty or Rationality Rules or a couple of others do with atheism, the second any of them turn to politics, all that goes out the window because they lose all grasp on rationality and go straight for emotion.

It’s why I don’t watch political content anymore, yet it’s hard to get away from it. It’s why I’ve pointed out how Matt Dillahunty entirely mishandles calls on slavery and morality because his views on those subjects are completely irrational. If a theist calls in and talks about slavery and doesn’t agree with Matt that slavery is awful and horrible and terrible and always has been and always will be, then Matt freaks the hell out, screams at them, calls them names and hangs up on them because Matt is completely unhinged. If anyone talks shit about trans people, he goes out of his fucking mind. He can’t separate his personal views from reality. He can’t have an intelligent conversation. It’s really sad to watch.

Now I’m not saying I agree with slavery or anything, but there is room for a rational conversation. There has to be. If you can’t have an intelligent conversation, divorced from your emotions, then you are an idiot. He can’t do it. Most of them can’t. Their politics have become their religion.

Recently, Steve McRae has started poking around atheist subreddits and everyone hates his guts. He’s been downvoted into oblivion, both on his personal and podcast accounts, but his philosophy has become his religion. He has blind faith that what he believes is true and anyone who disagrees, they’re automatically wrong, no discussion required. This is why everyone hates him. He can’t figure out what an awful human being he is. This is not how you hold intelligent conversations but apparently, he doesn’t care.

Frankly, I’m done with all of this. In the videos I make, I make it a point to show where these people are going wrong. In fact, I just wrote a Ken Ham video, where he said “you’ll believe in X” and then he spent the whole thing going “my book says a thing” because that’s what he insists must be true, even if he can’t back it up. The people who he’s claiming will believe, won’t because we don’t have that blind assumption. In fact, the theist that I talked about at the beginning, she was doing the same thing. “My Bible says a thing!” I don’t care about your Bible. “But my Bible says a thing!” Nobody cares! Nobody should! You’re just making a complete fool of yourself!

Can we all just stop with the endless stupidity? Can we just pretend to be rational? Most people seem incapable. Your faith and your fee-fees mean nothing. If that’s how you’re living your life, then fuck off. You are just embarrassing yourselves and frankly, I don’t think humanity needs that anymore.

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