I know I’ve said so before, but when your favorite celebrity kicks the bucket, it doesn’t mean the world is ending. I get really tired of people whining and moaning that “so-and-so is dead!”
So what? Move the hell on! Continue reading It Doesn’t Matter That They’re Dead! →
Over on Reddit, someone posted a Christian who got upset that they came to an atheist subreddit, violated the rules, preached mindlessly and got banned. We see that all the time.
Unfortunately, we see the same thing happening in reverse, atheists who go to religious subreddits, make complete asses of themselves, get banned (and rightfully so) and then whine about it. I pointed that out and it’s a shame to see how idiotic a lot of atheists can be. Continue reading It’s Sad to Watch People be Dumb →
I run into this a lot and I have no clue what the hell is wrong with people today. Why do people spend so much of their time online desperately searching for personal validation from complete strangers?
What the hell is wrong with you? Continue reading Enough with the Personal Validation! →
I just finished up making a video where this came up, and therein, I said I wasn’t going to go into it because it was going too far afield. Therefore, I figured before that came out, sometime at the tail end of January, I figure, I’d post my thoughts here on the blog for all to see.
Let’s get to it. Continue reading My Thoughts on Gay and Transgender Issues →

I do my level best not to pay any attention to politics these days. It’s all crap, no matter what side you’re on and I’ve got better things to do than bother with it. All political advertising goes straight into the trash without being looked at. I’ve started to tell people who call that I’m actively voting against anyone whose followers bother me. Most of the time, they just hang up.
That said though, sometimes it’s hard to avoid the terrible crap and that comes almost entirely from the left. I just wanted to look at two or three of them. Continue reading Absurd Political Ads →
Exposing Stupidity Wherever it Hides