Tag Archives: politics

Absurd Political Ads

I do my level best not to pay any attention to politics these days. It’s all crap, no matter what side you’re on and I’ve got better things to do  than bother with it. All political advertising goes straight into the trash without being looked at. I’ve started to tell people who call that I’m actively voting against anyone whose followers bother me. Most of the time, they just hang up.

That said though, sometimes it’s hard to avoid the terrible crap and that comes almost entirely from the left. I just wanted to look at two or three of them. Continue reading Absurd Political Ads

Where I Disagree with Thomas Sowell

I like Thomas Sowell in general, but even he has some problems, some blind spots that I think are endemic to social and political thinking and need to be pointed out.

Therefore, here I go, as I did in the comments on one of his videos, pointing out that it’s not just the left that have issues. The right is every bit as bad. Continue reading Where I Disagree with Thomas Sowell

Disagreeing With Matt Dillahunty… Again!

I’m sure this isn’t said often…

So, Matt put out a video, I’ll include it below the fold, where he talks about what atheists are supposedly fighting for. In theory, that’s not a bad topic and he does say some decent things about it that I’m perfectly fine with.

Then, he gets into things that are a bit problematic, as much as I personally detest that word. So let’s talk about it. Continue reading Disagreeing With Matt Dillahunty… Again!

The Absurd Hypocritical Nature of the Left

Here’s something that I’ve noticed a lot lately and it goes a long way to showing just how clueless the political left actually are.

Now granted, the right aren’t much better at the moment, showing that the extremes on both sides need some serious professional help, but while the religious right is absurd, at least they have a memory longer than a goldfish Continue reading The Absurd Hypocritical Nature of the Left

What’s Stopping the World From Getting Better?

This came up in an atheist subreddit recently, where people were asking what’s stopping the world in general and humanity in particular from improving and my answer, as should be no surprise, is “stupid people”. It’s certainly more nuanced than that short answer, but I noticed that it was a pretty common answer to the thread.

Except a lot of those responding seem to be missing a very obvious problem: that it’s more than just the religious who suffer from this particular affliction. So let’s  look at it. Continue reading What’s Stopping the World From Getting Better?

Critical Race Theory is Dumb

I found myself in a discussion recently about critical race theory. Yes, I know, it was a waste of time, but that’s what passes for pseudo-intelligent discourse online these days. So here’s what I think about CRT and racism in general and why I think the whole underpinnings are just absurdly nonsensical. Feel free to disagree in the comments and let’s have a discussion. Continue reading Critical Race Theory is Dumb