Tag Archives: rationality

Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

I ran into a thread on Reddit today, where they were talking about atheists who are conservative, because they couldn’t imagine how anyone who was intelligent, educated and non-religious could identify that way.

Well, once upon a time, I identified that way, at least in a limited fashion, so I read through it and found that it was mostly people who were talking out of their own asses.

Somehow, that is not at all surprising. Continue reading Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

Personal Experience Doesn’t Justify God

I’ve seen Matt Dillahunty say this a couple of times but I’ve always disagreed. The idea is that someone who thinks they have had an experience with the divine, that somehow justifies a belief in a god. Except it doesn’t. Only an *ACTUAL* experience with a *DEMONSTRABLE* deity would justify a belief that such a god was actually there.

Let me know when someone manages to do that. Continue reading Personal Experience Doesn’t Justify God