I Hate Progressives #23

Finally, we come down to the last one and it’s been a journey. Honestly, I haven’t found a single one of these that I could really support. Some, it’s just pretty words and we know by their actions that they don’t mean it, but most, it’s just nonsense that they are spouting to pander to the far left. Hard pass on any of that. So, how will it all end up? Let’s see!

Delivering structural change that unrigs the rules for working people and forces the wealthy to contribute to our shared prosperity.

Except they don’t care about the WORKING people at all, do they? They are too busy pandering to the unemployed and the “victim class” that they need to exist so they keep getting into power. People who actually work for a living, those are the people on the other side of the aisle.

In fact, it’s pretty obvious that they actively dislike the working class because those are the people who typically don’t vote for the far left. In California, they work against the interests of the working class, especially anyone who makes anything above minimum wage and contributes to society.

I was just talking with one of my best friends over the weekend about how the left has destroyed fast food in California. The liberal government decided, arbitrarily, that fast food workers should make $20 an hour. The instant that happened, fast food companies just laid off large parts of their staff because they can’t afford it. I have another friend who is a manager for a fast food franchise and his employees almost make as much as he does now. He was making something like $21 an hour for a ton more responsibility and now, it’s just not worth it.

Of course, we all said this was going to happen because we understand how economics work. These places can’t afford to keep the doors open and pay that much in payroll so they reduce their payroll. A lot of them are putting in automated kiosks and firing their counter help. There’s one place that my friend told me about that is totally automated. You order through a kiosk, it’s cooked by robots and you get it at the other end. This is probably the future of fast food now. Thanks liberals! Now, these $20/hr wonders don’t have jobs and are sitting on the unemployment lines and I’m paying for it. Fuck the left.

The costs have skyrocketed because the left have destroyed the economy, from the White House on down. Last week, I stopped by Arby’s for a couple of sandwiches and a bag of fries. It cost almost $30. My wife and I can go to a sit-down restaurant and have a full meal for $35. We do fast food incredibly rarely now. Why bother? We go out all the time, we go to some really good local restaurants, often family-owned and operated, and we  get treated right. Why would we do fast food at all?

I was kind of hoping that we’d find something worthwhile, but 23 of these things and not one that I could actually get behind, at least not anything that I agree is actually a position held by the far left. These people are idiots. They are ruining the planet. They couldn’t get my vote in a race with one candidate. Anymore though, neither can the right. We’re screwed no matter who wins. The planet is doomed.

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